Sweet Rose

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"This morning's so lively..." I sighed.

"It's your fault. Mmmf!" Hana muffled---

"Shut up guys...more importantly, what part of this forest are we at?!" Kent asked in this irritating pissed off tone.

"Well since we started that day, I'm pretty sure we are already 1/4 across the woods." Hikari answered.

I had a feeling the three of us wondered, 'how'd you know that.....'.

We've been walking through the Place of  the Fallen. Now that you mention it, I remembered the story my mother told me...before the rotten vampires did what they love, before the night my hometown came to its end.....

"Kirito! Sleep already!"

"I can't sleep, okasan..."


"Tell me a story mom..."

"Hnnn...no choice then...aha! Do you wanna know the place of the Fallen?"

"Father told me it was dangerous..."

"Not entirely. See, once upon a time, not so long ago, just a few years back. It happened recently."


"A girl once was kidnapped by bad creature, a mulk but in a humanoid form. Not long after the news spread, the hunters---also our tribe---pursued the mulk. They managed to get a hold of it but then teleported easily 50 men and the child to a forest. The mulk and 47 of the hunters clashed. The creature was outnumbered and died after. Unfortunately, it took all of the men's lives with him. The remaining three saved the little girl, returned her to where she belongs, and told their story to the whole world. It was then that that forest was called the Place of the Fallen...well y'know, because the hunters fell there and-----------just......ugh...goodnight. Sleep well. I love you, Kirito."

Afternoon came as I remembered where the forest originated its name from. Lunch was upcoming and only then we prohibited Hana from cooking ever again even though I acted all mushy the other day...eesh, I fell asleep too. I wonder what happened to Hana's food...Well, anyways, Hikari continued to cook using what we left the other night. I guess since Hikari's cooking has a delightful smell to it, some trolls appeared in front of us, "That smells yummy. Mmmmmmm. Give it to us!!!"

"No way! It's mine!" Hana butted in.

"Hey brainless princess! It's for all of us!" Kent and I had to yell.

"That girl is-!" The trolls halted as they realized Hana's appearance.

"What about me, you dirty lil trolls?!" Hana was barely calm and composed-

"You're all fools coming to this place. Master will soon move knowing that you're here! Kiyahahaha!" We didn't care what they said since they're trolls. I unsheathed my sword and effortlessly killed them. Hikari must've already been used to seeing things be slashed and wrapped with blood...she was living next to a butcher...

Before we knew it, the skies turned to black again, the moon came up with elegance, another night of defense. After dinner, as always, the 10 year olds fell asleep quickly and soundly but Hana and I were still awake. The atmosphere was very awkward. We are right next to each other, both still wide awake. Breaking the silence,

"Can I tell you something?"

"Spit it out." I said.

"Aish...you weren't so stingy when I met you..."

"Is that all that you wanted to say?" I admit I did change...

"That's not even---! Ugh....scratch that. It's just that...this place feels so familiar."

"You haven't been here before."

"I know. I remember just reaching outside the kingdom." She pouted. "Anyways, how's the tablets taste like?" She turned to me.


"Heeeeeh...lemme taste em~!"

"What?! No!"

Even though I told her not to, she still did. She reached for my pockets and exposed her neck. My thirst for real blood waas undeniable. Hers was, for me, the tastiest. I almost bit her when-


"Huh? Ah. Ah..."


"Sorry......I'll be going to sleep first..."


Here I am, turned into something I've hated all my life. It sickens me to think about this human girl, that is the most precious to me now, as something delicious. Also the fact that I don't know how I became like this is troublesome. It's becoming a hindrance to me these days and nights...the thought that I don't know when I might lose my insanity again and end up scarring the kids...and Hana again...to the extent that she'll never be by my side ever again, to the extent that I'll end up alone again, that I'll go back to the way I was, back to thinking how worthless and powerless I am, back to thinking about my mistakes---how I couldn't protect the most precious person to me right now. The fact that I couldn't do anything to save my hometown, not at least one person, scares the hell out of me...but now I've changed...I'm much stronger now and more careful, I've worked really hard to prevent something like that from happening ever again, knowing them or not.

Ah...it's best to rest and sleep now.

Or maybe not.


Hana screamed as she vanished before I could turn around.

The silence was no match for my fear that could be felt miles away. I have lost her once and now it's twice. How cruel are the gods...to have to separate me again...wellk congratulations!---You've achieved your goal! I'm completely scared to death! NOW GIVE HER BACK TO ME!!!!!!

"Kirito-san, nothing's gonna happen if you just shout your mind to the gods. Spend you're time thinking about why or how I knew when you've finally saved Hana-san."

"I'll leave Kent  to your care. I'll be back with her tomorrow noon. Your choice if you wanna wait or keep on moving. Bye."

"Take care, Kirito-san."

She's right. I have to focus on her scent. For the whole week, her fragrance never faltered. Sweet rose...

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