Writhe & Suffer

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Heyro minna :D glad yer still reading ^v^ thanks so much....i feel so happy....


...please enjoy!!!!..



"The-----demon----------" I stood frozen. I didn't think what he said was true. I thought he was just playing with our brains, but no. Morail grabbed Hana's arms and dragged her next to him.

"Kiri----Kirito..!!" Only when she shouted, I regained the energy to move around.

But he then opened a portal, inside of it was obviously....


Being faster than me, both of them got inside---I luckily held Hana's hand. I can't bring her back anymore due to the strength of that stupid demon.......so I went in with them....

"*cough cough* Kiri....." Hana fell down fainting. Morail disappeared right after the hard landing.

"Hana.......you'll be alright.....we'll go back right away...." The chances would stand 30%. I haven't been to hell. Everone who comes here can't go back unless they're demons or ALIVE beings. A slim chance for us two.

I carried her in my arms and avoided the demons' eyes. There were so many of them torturing those who were dead. I feel no mercy looking at the ones who used to live by....'cause they were the murderers of one of the normal villages...though I've already forgotten about it...

We went to a place that seemed harmless. By the time we entered, clearly harmless. Another thing about hell, is that the homes here...are exactly the opposite of what's out there. Hana was still unconscious from the fall and laid her down on a sofa, made from Hell. I sat down beside her, caressing her hair. Surprisingly, it still had its softness, curves, no split ends, still looking like a proper princess....................................who's been recently dead...

"Anyone who enters hell, people who are alive, their skintone changes to that of a dead person. Appearing to be some walking dead persons, yet alive and well." It was that Morail's voice. I took a minute removing my eyesight from Hana trying to find his location. With my vampire instincts, I immediately caught his scent. He was in ash form, flying around the ceiling.

I've forgotten about the separation between me and her. What matters most now...is that we get home safely...get you home safely.........'Til then, I'll be protecting you from this creep hovering above us like a weirdo although he is apparently.


 "This place....................................so scary..." I went to Kent's 'secret place' so----that is where I am now. It appeared to be a shortcut from the Kashiwagi Clan's Village to Bone Forest. I remember Kent telling me this is where he and Hana met. So this place is also special <3 I can't believe it felt so short...I was pretty sure..I was miles and miles away....just how did he...? AH. AH. I forgot he told me to do something....I forgot he told me and I forgot WHAT he told me. WAAAAAAAHHHHH~~~ I'M DEADDDD!!!

Unya. A squirrel. Wah~ it's so cute...

"Hey there, squirrel <3 Just let me touch you and---aaaahhhhh!! Don't run away!! Squirrel! Hiyaah..."

No more distractions..they won't like me anyways...I wonder how Hana-san and Kirito-kun are doing...how are they...where are they...I have a bad feeling...


chikuso !!!!!! ( >^<-)

i've been scrolling through my chapters.......the others have given up on meeee ( T^< )


i've had my round of bad luck already....pleash stahp mah bad luck..... :'(

OKE AND SO ANYWAYS----i trust you <:) i trust you guys ^v^ so much... <:) i know you wont give up on me too...........


.......AHM SORRYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY..! IT'S JUST THAT SCHOOL STARTED ALREADY....and ahm sad........no one's talking to me anymore......even haki T^T

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