Welcome Back

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Ah---ouch! My body still feels sore. Looking back, I'm just surprised Kent knew how to use his powers at that age. Normally it would be 13 and above.

Nevermind...I'm just thankful no one died and...Hana is fine. The wounds aren't that deep. I got out of bed as soon as I recapped everything that just happened. I wondered where we were. Opened the door and just saw this girl.

"Ah...who-who are you?", I asked as I rubbed my hair. So confused.

"I-I'm Hikari!!!"

"Hikari? How-!" I was cut off by a familiar voice.

"I see you're finally awake oldie."

"You midget....," then Hikari grabbed my sleeve, "Please don't h-harm him. He saved you guys."

"Saved?" Yep, confused again.

"That's right. You better be grateful."

"Hah? You?" I pointed at him, "Gyahahahahaha!!!" and burst into laughter.

"Wh-what's so funny?! You oldie bastard! Taste this! Seal!!!"

"Hah? Ack-!" I fell down on my knees and remembered this familiar feeling. Oh yeah, this was the technique he used to tame me. Guess this kid's useful after all.

"Oi brat,"



"Mmf! Return to your chambers.."

"Would you mind telling me everything first?"



"Sure......Hikari---do you mind?"

"Oh not at all! B-bye then!"

-an hour later-

"Oh...so that's what happened."

"Yeah, you better be thankful to Hana."

"Funny, I already am. From the beginning."

"Anyways, you better hide yourself, this place doesn't take kindly to strangers, worse if you're a monster."


"Bye then, I'm gonna make sure this place is protected. Rest now. We can only stay here for about a week before they find out."

"Uh...sure. Yeah, whatever. Take care."

"I'm strong enough..."

Our conversation ended. I headed back to the room. Hana is still asleep. I sat beside her bed. I keep thinking about what she could've felt that time. The pain she felt...she got dragged into my problem. Guess there's no turning back now.

I clenched my fist as I think about how much more she's gonna have to endure-while staying with me..plus Kent. How much more can she handle??? I pulled her hair behind her ear and went to bed. I wanted to try and get some sleep...not that I needed some since I am a vampire.


When I wake up I'll write a letter to mom and dad. This might go on for a month. Or even more. I don't want them to worry anymore...but I don't wanna separate from Kirito either. It'll be painful bearing it alone; nevermind my insanity, it's not wrong following what you want.

Later, I awoke from my slumber. The warmth from the fire was captivating. Soon I noticed Kirito sleeping soundly like a baby ahaha. Oooooh~ just like that time! I scanned the whole room. I thought it was weird since I'm used to my room at the kingdom. The floor was a little bit dusty, the walls' paint were disappearing, everything was run-down!!! But the clock caught my attention, it was cute and shiny despite its structures looking like a thousand year old one. The clock ticked and ticked, until it was 10 pm again.

I went up to Kirito's bed to wake him up. "Welcome back!" I say. He moaned. Clearly he was still sleepy---"You need it now before tomorrow comes stupid!"





I got a hold of his arm but instead he grabbed me, "Wha-?! What are you doing?!" He was still murmuring stuff I don't understand. God, I know he's awake!

"You already lost a lot of blood, brah."

"It doesn't matter."

Then a knock knock was heard.

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