Appearing To Be

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i totally did not forget Hikari and Kent :P

oyea...almost forgot---they also have their own history :)

well...kent's was revealed not completely..

hikari's is..well..........just read..!!

oufoo~~i edited more cuz i just found out that there was a real Sashiya Village so I changed it lol..

unya....oh and....if anyone noticed something about Kirito, FORGET IT. I DON'T WANT TO REMEMBER IT.



"Tomo-san, what do you mean? What are you saying?"

"Shingemitsu Village was destroyed by the inhabitants themselves."

"You've got it all wrong. Maybe you ate something bad. You sure you're not sick?"

"Haha, very funny. I'm serious here. Maybe you're the one who's weird."

"Well that's impossible. Rukigiya Hana-san, Takanashi Kirito-san, Kashiwagi Keisuke, and I came from there several weeks ago."

"Wait, wait, wait, wait..! Takanashi Kirito?! The Takanashi Kirito?! Woah!!!"

"Excuse me but you're slipping off the sub---"

"God, every hunter there is always had trouble to find him!! The sole survivor of the Takanashi Clan---how awesome is that?! And you guys were together?! Just cooooolll!!!!! The 9 Elders of the Hunter 10 said they wanted to help him find a new home, he replied he doesn't need one, saying that he'll focus on getting revenge. He refused to get help from them and refused to terminate the Clan."

"Oh, I see. Wait! Not that--"

"The 9 Elders thought it was impossible and ordered the others to stop pestering him any longer. Is he gonna come here?!"

"Yes, maybe. I'll just ask Kent."

"I see. It's getting dark. You better not go out anymore, we're pretty strict at night. Dinner is ready downstairs."


He disappeared below as I waved. How stupid of me...I let the subject slip off that easily. Jeez...

Maybe for about three days, for the first time I went out of the house because I really wished he'd pop up by now, I'm worried about Kent so much. Tomo-san looks like he's 15, and so do we, Kent and I, but deep deep deeeeep inside we're just a bunch of 10 YEAR OLDS!!!!!


I guess...everyone still doesn't know Takanashi Kirito was infected but he still has his sanity so I guess it'd be fine to conceal it for a while. I wonder what happened to that weirdo and Hana-nee-san. It's been days since I've travelled and I'm already close to the Yasushiro's village. When I got to the entrance everyone welcomed me. I remembered the old women who always played with in my younger years. I don't know the date anymore. I'm sure even the other three don't, even this village I'm sure of. This village is very peculiar as it doesn't care for what goes on outside, including the dates.

Since I visited this village often, I memorize every place there is here, including the house I believe Tomo let Hikari stay at; my intuition I do not doubt, for I was 100% correct.

"KENT?!" "Hika----?!" Just as our eyes met, she immediately jumped and gave me a bear hug!!

"Wha--?! All of a sudden?!"

"I thought you weren't gonna come!!!"

"It's just been 3 days."

"That's long enough for me. I waited for papa and mama for three days until a friend of my relatives told me they were dead~~ <3"

"Ha..? How can you...say that while smiling...?"

"Hn? Well there's no point in grieving over it~"

With Hikari acting weird, Tomo came out and tapped me on the shoulder, "Let's talk."

"Eh? Ah, sure. Hikari can you go to your room?"

"No problem~~~" She looks and talks as if she's drunk or something. Maybe she's just tired from waiting or whatever.

At the backyard of the house, Tomo kept on looking around for people with his stupid face going left and right and I was like, "Ha. Ha. Ha.", a monotonous laugh. "Okay, clear." He said as I kept on laughing. He looked really stupid. He is stupid. He's so stupid.

"This is serious Keisuke. You stop laughing stupidly and stop thinking I'm stupid."

"Ha. Ha. Ha. It's true, isn't it. Ha. Ha. Ha."

"You sly freak......."

"Ha. Ha. Ha."

"This is about that girl dammit."


"Hikaru, Haruka, Hikiri, Haraka, whatever. The point is----"

"HI. KA. RI."

"She thinks---"

"Her name's Hikari."

"Shut up, midget."

"Who you calling 'midget', midget?!"

"*punch Kent right in the face*"

"Itte, itte, itte, itte, itte.........WHAT WAS THAT FOR TOMO?!"

"She thinks she's from Shingemitsu."

"Ah? Ah. Yeah. We met her and stayed there for a while."

"What are babbling about? That village's been gone for like, 4 years ago."

"You haven't gone to the mountains have you~"

"This has nothing to do with me loving the mountains romantically!!!!!"

"*poker face*"




Fufufu....okay so it won't be name that is....

sarry for zee short part, i'm on my way to the church now -w-) v

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