Behind the Smoke

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After 12 hours, I've been released from that stinking prison. I put my hands in my pockets and went directly to my house, avoiding people; I don't want to see their shifting eyes again, I hate how everyone gossips. I didn't get any food from the past hours, I don't mind anyways. I've controlled myself from the past 10 years of my life, but in truth, my life was controlled by them-----I've said this before but it just really defines me.

I appreciate how they made me 70% invincible, it's also their mistake. They should've known I'm not submissive and I don't want to be in a lovey-dovey relationship with my sibling. I'm wondering if Hikari made it successfully to Tomo...I hope nothing bad occurred.

Moving on, I enter our yard. With the usual poisonous plants in my way, the usual irritating guard animals who now hate me because they are kinda brainwashed, and the usual eyes around the bushes. Distance shortened as I keep on walking and observing the very details I haven't noticed before and after I ran away.

"Keisuke. I hope you've calmed down."


Father doesn't change. Being controlled your whole life, of course that certain person would stay the same forever, however, if that person comes across someone in the opposite personality, it is possible. I guess everyone in the family are really psychopaths.

And once again, I sit in the living room, but with only my father and I. The mood was heavy as always, even though I've run into these kinds of situations before, I easily adapted and got used to the joyful laughter of everyone when we were still together. They successfully helped me see the good in everything. For a child who's been the first to rebel against a very strict family line, this one hectic problem I'll have to face. My courage kept on building up, ever since I  came to know....that I have someone to protect.

"Dad." I looked into father's piercing eyes. It hurt..just like being thrown daggers at me..."I don't want to marry a blood relative. Please....give me permission to be free from everyone-----give me a time limit if you need to do so. I'll follow any order you have interest in as long as you grant my only wish."

I bowed my head and sweat started to creep across my cheek. Just as one dropped,

"Do whatever you want. No matter what happens, you'll come back anyways. This is your family after all. You may leave the village; bear in mind you are still a Kashiwagi. Goodbye, son. Take care."

The impossible words I never thought I'd hear from him...was now spoken. Still, I think father is planning something. I know he knows I won't come back here. I might have some unsettled business with my mother, brother, and younger sister, but that can wait. What's important right now is reuniting with Hikari.

Just as I heard father's 'take care', he stood up, stood me up and hugged me. I didn't think he'd do that in centillion years also so I was pretty surprised. He went upstairs and I was left alone at the first floor. Opening the main door, I felt the winds, I can finally start a new life without carrying any burden, I'm glad I overcame my fears, now I can stand up to anyone, now---------I'll be free.


oke so this was really short...i wanted to update as fast as i can so it turned out like this; i mean, who wouldn't study if there was a MOM beside YOU

nah just kidding, it didn't happen, it's just that....she kept on checking on me every minute---so it's really almost impossible to use the lappytoppy.

oh and thank you deathrebel for the messages :) im glad someone finally said something ahaha XD

sorry for the uses of words if they're too simple and all----thank you for saying something nice still :)

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