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Hey everyone, starting today I'm gonna remove the 'previously' parts since the story's gone the long way already.

Thank you for supporting by reading :)



"About your blood..."

"Don't worry about it!", Hana whisper-shouted.


"I'm strong, I won't get tired. You need it every night. It's not something you can avoid."


It's afternoon. My face still aches. I could tell she's still bummed about my 'responsibilities', half-sleeping, and being half-assed. Anyways, I told them to help me find some supplies for noon. She told me to not let Kent work since he was still just a kid. That brat, he even stuck out his tongue without Hana noticing! We got a little farther while picking out some mushrooms (again...).

"Hey," she whispered.


"Now's the chance, so I should take it..."


"Kirito, listen carefully and answer me honestly..."

"What are you saying all o-?!"

"Tell me all about your past. Tell me about what you feel right now."

I looked at the ground, then at her and smiled, ", I don't remember my memories, and uh, I'm happy and worried at the same time," I laughed; in truth I was surprised. Why the sudden questions? It's not like I can tell her everything, most of those...would be better off forgotten.

She's obviously disappointed.

"Uh, let's go. This is enough," I said while packing the mushrooms.

"Kirito! You haven't answered my questions yet!!!"

I continued walking.


I stopped, glanced at the ground.

"You...really want to know...?"

"I have reasons..."

"Well, I do too.."

"Kirito. Please."

Ahhh...I'm seeing my past again. I hate this. But, maybe..since it's for her..I'll give one sentence.

"Hey...", she looked at me, "my hometown was massacred. Oh and, thanks by the way for y'know...and I'm sorry about your blood..."

Hana's face looked like she had just seen a ghost. She stopped talking after that. As we ate our afternoon meals, we headed to our next destination, the Place of the Fallen. Kent sensed our distance for the first time. He behaved like a good boy for once, which was a really big cure to my 'annoy meter'. We continued heading to north. The silent treatment was awful. The only things that were being noisy are these dried leaves and thin branches we keep stepping on. As our walk continues, good thing we hadn't met any werewolves yet. It was about 4-5 pm and they're still not talking. There were no voice whatsoever that I could hear with my vampy ears. Before I wanted to get Hana, Kent shoved my hand and said, "Not right now..."

I understood what that meant. She couldn't take that one sentence in. It was too much.

"The night's getting deeper," I huffed as I waited for an answer, "Let's camp out here."

"Sure," I smiled and felt relieved. At last, she replied. As usual, we gathered the food, ate our dinner, and went to sleep. But I couldn't sleep again. I was wondering if Hana was awake. So I looked at her who was beside me, to my surprise she was still awake.

"You need it", she said as she put on a relieving smile.

"You're not angry?"

"Why would I be? I'm just sorry about earlier. But, just so you know, I want to help you in everything, for a reason that I will never tell you--bleeee!!!"

"You don't have to do this everyday."

"You know what happens."

"Brace yourself..."

Everything that happened last night returned. Every night she lets me drink it making me refreshed every day I wake up. When I was full to the brim, I thought I said it in my head but she heard me say,

"You saved me...

my heroine."

The next morning she asked if we could take a bath. It been days since she had a nice warm bath. I told her that good thing, there was a lake nearby. I carried Kent, who was still sound asleep, on my back.

I'm just thankful to whoever the god.

We're back to normal.


Just 'awwwwww' :')

Thanks anyways~ sticking til this part XD

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