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  • Dedicated to Danica Divino

 Hana is in trouble, but where's the knight in shining armor?! Kiritoooo! Where are you???!!!


Previously, Kirito kept searching for Hana, and was lead to a campsite where the smoke he saw was coming from. He later found out Hana made the fire and found the map--continuing his search for her...


"Smugglepuff! I'm so dead---papa, mama, I love you!!! Goodbye Kent, Kirito!!!", I shouted as I closed my eyes, "I curse you, you stupid deers!!!!!!!!!!"


Still going through tall grasses---I heard someone shout, "Smulpf m sdid papma luv yew gidbe knt krto!!!"

Dang, Hana's in trouble! I headed to where I thought the scream came from. On my way there, I saw a little kid, a boy... 

I stopped to scan him from afar, he was pure evil, the same feeling I felt with myself when I see I ran quickly far far away from that kid...and followed a trail I could smell with Hana's perfume still present.

I'm running, it was dark when I got to a part where huge trees blocked every light that could come inside---then I saw something bright forward...

"HANAAA!!!", I shouted, running through thorny bushes...then I heard rustling-I stopped. Something was spying on me, waiting for me to move an inch or make a sound and I'll be his breakfast.

"Guuuuuurff", I could hear it huffing, with one move, I might be able to kill it in a second...

That's when I reached out to my pocket, grabbed a bottle filled with poisonous fluids and poured it on all of my arrows without it noticing---I was sure was not patient as I though it would be. 

It jumped out of it's hiding place, it was so huge, if I hadn't moved, I might be squashed right now. So instead of using my crossbow, I grabbed my sword and ran as fast as I could towards it...

"Die you bastard!!!", I screamed and managed to stab it on the chest. I tried to pull out the sword, it's kinda stuck. Stupid me, it was an Ogre, no wonder it has thick skin. Ogres ARE one of the immortals here, monsters.

Well that's it, I was punched on the face. If you're asking, of course it hurts---a lot...I couldn't move my body, only my arms were movable at that time. I grabbed my crossbow, I was ready, I aimed,


The arrow went through the leaves, the trees, the rocks, everything blocking its way melted-then the ogre was struck, he moved a little bit to my surprise, he was still gonna be alive for the next 10 seconds since the poison slightly wore off.

"There's no time to lose..."

I headed to the light. Damn it was so bright, it almost blinded me, but my eyes thing kept me staring at the river flowing, more like spreading also---blood. I thought someone might have been attacked on land and just spurted those out.

But that was the same blood I saw, the same blood I smelled, the same blood Hana spilled, "Hana!!!"

I searched the place, the bushes, the trees, the river. Damn the river!!! 

I looked at it, it had slow current so I jumped in. My eyes kept moving left and right, left and right...a was slightly far away---but the closer I got to it, the faster the current got. I leaped out, still soaked wet,

"Hana!!! Hana!!!"

I was hoping she would shout something stupid, instead she wasn't moving, not saying anything, it was obvious, she's fainted, who wouldn't think so if there weren't blood surrounding her? I rushed across her body---her eyes closed. I could feel the same feeling I got when I saw her blood, not again I thought, this isn't the time. I tried reaching her dress using my sword, water splashing across my face, a drop of blood hit my mouth. The taste was metallic and sweet at the same chest suddenly hurt, heart beat getting faster and faster, stopped...




Even i am scared to read what i'm about to write next ;-; tell me what you think!!! it'd a great help...

Go Hana x Kirito!!! >:O 


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