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Listen to: Eyes Open - Taylor Swift while reading!!!!

Vahry naish <3

(i dunno but i think i've used eyes open already.......meeeeh~~~i love background music -w-)



I may have seen you...but you have not seen me...

I have watched you afar...but you are not aware...

I have been looking at you always...just not being honest...

Everything's so obvious...just not keeping your eyes open...

I wake up after a ridiculously short dream I can't remember on the sofa. I didn't panic much; I had a feeling that guy wouldn't do anything to her...but still.......he had the nerve to take her away after putting me to sleep. Last time I was awake, I couldn't remember, it was blurry. I guess he had some make-a-person-fall-asleep powder er whatever. Ever since I've come to hell.......it feels as though...I was here before...

"That's  what made you faint though." That voice was... "You were overthinking or perhaps........reminiscing about something...?"

"GYAH! Stop popping out of nowhere and stop reading my mind!!!!!!" The Mersilde girl...

"I was here the whole time tho--"

"Shut up!!!!!!!"

"The girl is--"


"You used to not interrupt me when we first met..."

"Tch. I was always interrupting you, stupid. Well, what about Hana?"

"No, you weren't. You even played with me always.."

"Play..? WAIT!!! I was asking about Hana..!!"

"We would play hide and seek, we would sing and dance together..."

"What are you talking about?! AHHHHHHH! Just tell me about Hana!"



"You keep talking on and on about that trash.."

"What did you say?!"

"It's her fault you died....but the others still want you to be happy..they don't think it'll happen again..."

"D-died...? I haven't died..!"

"Yes, you have. Both of you."

"What are you saying?! We're still alive!!"

"Not the now. Both of you died a painful bitter death. Even us, as demons, find it distasteful...we were crestfallen...."

"...I don't know what you're talking about and I know you've mistaken us for those two. I'm gonna find Hana."

"Hell is very wide..."

I walked out the door, leaving the girl alone in the house. The more she told me those things, even if it was short, I still felt my brain aching...it's like I couldn't bear hearing those sentences...

Cross my heart and hope to die. Pierce a needle in my eye.

Wait a moment, I spoke a lie. I never really wanted to die.

But if I may and if I might, my heart is open for tonight.

Though my lips are sealed and a promise is true,

I won't break my word, my word to you.

Where'd that come from..? It came itself, I didn't think about something like that...

Does it hold something...? What's the promise..? Who promised...?


"Shiiiiigureeeeeeeeee~~!! Ah wait--Moraaaaaaaaiiilllllllllll~~!!"

"It's fun~"

"No, it's not, when I'm hovering above hell or whatever and being carried by a boy!!!!!"

"It's not that embarrassing."

"I wanna go back to Earth!"

"No, you can't."

"Why not?! Then I want in the house earlier!"

"No, you can't."

"Why???!!! It's so hot!!!! I can't bear it!!!"

The bloodlust, the weapons, the demons...they were all gone. It's as if hell cleaned up just for a moment. I figured I shouldn't ask about anything, I don't want to jump in anywhere I shouldn't be.

And although I haven't been here, it feels as if I have.....for a long period of time.

My head starts to ache again but I try not to mind. I wonder if it's because of the extreme sights and temperature here but something tells me it isn't. It was nice seeing nothing...it's like I'm in our ballroom....it was perfectly cold, no disturbing things around.....

"It's better like this right?"


"I told them just for today..."

"Eh?! Uh! T-thank you then...." Really.....how's that possible...?

I might try hard but it's too hard to avoid........I'm scared of one of the most unbelievable facts and cannot contain my fearsssssssssssssssssss-----

I AM IN HELL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Was that short? I think it's short...

AAAAAAAND SOOOOO-----school already drowned me in homeworks and projects!!!!! IT'S STILL THE FIRST MONTH OF SCHOOL....SO WHYYYYYYYYYYY

bai bai~~~

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