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Heysiez everyone :)

Still smiling from ear to ear--coz i thank they developed :9

anyways, in the this story...are they too intimate or what? sorry :/

my friend told me it was too intimate XD

well, ENJOY-!


Previously, Kirito held Hana's hand leaving her stunned. They get intimate and developed a weird atmosphere but later wears off as they stop midway. In the camp, Hana insists that Kirito drink her blood, just what's enough for him, promising her it will not be a burden.


Just get on with it before the pain stays dumbo! It'll be hard if he does it's gonna hurt more. He should do it...I want to help and this is the only way. I even promised, "Nothing will change, just take what you think is enough."

I managed to persuade him. He leaned closer. I admit I was scared, but I know this was for the best and I can help him this way-that was the reason my fear ran away. Uh, umm, yeah...nervous...

I flinched a little as he buries his face. He licks my neck to tell me to be ready.

I felt pain when his teeth sinked in my neck, it felt so horrible, but it was worth it and I later got used to it---I could hear him slurping, he's really thirsty, he sucked for about 20-30 seconds. He lifted up his face, blood dripping from his mouth, and so I asked,

"Are you okay?"

"", he replied and wiped his mouth with his sleeve at the same time. I wasn't able to sleep comfortably, since my blood just got sucked, i mean, who wouldn't?

The next day I woke up and Kirito fell asleep beside me, I looked at him. I looked at the tree. I looked at him. I looked at the tree. I looked at him.... This is just a hunch aight?!---I think my face is red now...

Kirito -> asleep -> cute!!! But then...I thought about it...WE COULD'VE BEEN EATEN IF HE WAS ASLEEP!!!

"Wake up stupid!!! Wake up. Wake up. Wake uppp! Hey dumbo! Stupid, wake up!!!", I kept on screaming. He just wouldn't. Then I heard rustling. Ohhhh not that again...I am so gonna haunt him when I die!!!

"Rufffff....", I heard it growl. I knew it was some werewolf whatever...

"Eeeeeeeeeeeiiiiiiii! K-Kiritooo........", I couldn't stop repeating those lines.

It got nearer and nearer, his claws coming out, some white fluid thingy was dripping from his fangs. It jumped.


"Kiritoooooo!", I shouted from the top of my voice.

Slaaaash-! My eyes were soooo wide; Kirito just slapped the hell out of that guy. "Don't disturb me...", he whispered with his eyes still closed, half-asleep maybe. Mmm~ yea I was pissed off, so of course I'd punch him hard ~ <3.

"Aaah!!! That hurt! What was that for?!"

"Guys it's morning!!! Kent, wake up!"

"Buhh, wah, whaa?", Kent moaned.

"Let's go!"

I was pretty happy I led the way...even when Kirito was telling me the directions...well, even though! We moved forward. I'm just glad Kirito's the same, he's not weird or anything. Some may think it's cute, some may think it's weird, but I don't care about what other people think, I just care about what I think

I think I like Kirito.


"...Suki na yatsu..."

is one thing i can never say, and so i wish the one like can read this haha.

He knows who he is but he doesn't read watty so... HUGE BUMMER.

But summer's already here so bye bye school ~ <3

and hello cosplay, anime, manga, drawing, singing, acting, LOTSAVEM!!!

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