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Oh my, I've been seriously slowing down---guess there's too much school stuff and lotsa anime series to watch and lotsa mangas to read >.<

but i like it :)

you should too!!!

anyways---enjoy this part, it'll be a lil bit short so ahm sarry :(



Now that I'm thinking about this...WHERE ARE WEEE???!!!

Most importantly, since Kirito is my guide...what is he thinking?!

I'm beside him right now, I'm scared and shivering, i mean...who wouldn't?

When your companion suddenly turned into a blood-sucking person-, when a kid you met was acting like an angelic devil or devilish angel-, when you're with them altogether in a mysterious, dangerous, and scary place that you're not familiar with-!!!

"Stay close," I heard Kirito say. So I got nearer to him, and Kent got nearer to me.

I was freaking out when he said that, it might be because he senses something terrfying that could harm us anytime.

There really was.

A little liger-like creature popped out from nowhere and managed to scratch me.

Of course I shouted! It hurt a lot! "Iyaaaaaaaaaa!!!", my legs were bleeding, this is the second time I've seen my blood gushing out.

I remembered the first time, all those stupid events all over again. When I saw his face still peachy peachy, and then in a minute it was pale.

I think I fainted again. I feel so stupid going on this journey without even having experience and fighting experience. Ah---ah, I just keep on making him trouble, when I wake up, I'll just ask him.

I've got plenty of time before I wake up, before I see his concerned face again, before my eyes'll swell up in tears...

Smugglepuff, these feelings are frustrating, guess I'm seeing him as my bestfriend now, ah, a bestfriend huh...I remember mom and dad telling me stories. How they met and other stuffitos, how they became closer and closer together...because they were bestfriends...


Phoo, I think I'm falling...

I was happy when I saw his face again, I held his face thinking it might be a dream. He saved me again, and I said

"Don't even dare think I will forgive you for letting yourself be wounded."

"Y'know, you're kinda cute when you're acting like those tsundere girls."

Umm, uh, yeah...he just made me pout again. Anyways, I looked for Kent, good thing he wasn't wounded, he's just unconscious. Kirito told me everything that happened before I fainted. I tried to stand up but I fell down on Kirito's arms, and I just let him see my face blush!!! Ughhh---can this hour get any worse? So...

I'm beside him right now, I'm scared and shivering, and he held my hand.

My mind was blank.

One thought did pop.


Ohhhhhhmaygawd. Do you think...? Ohhh

cuz I think so :3

Bye-nee~ <3

I've got to do more work... </3

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