
Emily walked into the lab to see Hank like usual, hunched forward doing who-knows-what.
   "I'm a bit busy, whoever it is." Hank said without looking up. "I'm afraid you have to leave."
   "Okay then," Emily shrugged nonchalantly, dropping her suitcase on the ground, "I'll just leave." Hank immediately looked up, his eyes bulging out when he saw who it was.
   "Emily!" he gasped. He ran towards her and enveloped her into a tight hug. "Oh my God! I can't believe you're here!"
   "I'm here!" she laughed. "Home sweet home."
   "Where have you been?" Hank pulled away from her with a frown. "We had received a letter saying you were missing -"
   "I went into hiding." Emily explained. "This guy, Trask, was trying to get all the mutants. Luckily I escaped in time and had been in hiding in Vietnam ever since. Only now when I heard what happened in DC did I leave." Emily stared at him concerned, and started checking him over. "You and the others weren't hurt, were you?"
   "No, we're fine." Hank breathed out a sigh of relief at the sight of his twin in front of him and couldn't help but bring her into a hug. "I've missed you." he mumbled against her shoulder. Emily blinked back away tears and hugged him back tightly.
   "I missed you too."
   "Come on," Hank pulled away, "I'm guessing you haven't seen Charles yet?" Emily shook her head. "Thought so. Come on, let's give him a surprise."


"Now, I want you all to revise this and by our next lesson, we might be able to remember almost all of it and be able to move on, knowing for sure -"
   Charles broke off when there was a knock at the door. He and the students turned to the door and saw Hank leaning against the doorframe with a smile - something you don't see much on him. Usually when people see him around, is either with a concentrated frown, or with an awkward look on his face. Seeing him smiling happily despite being around people shocked them a bit.
   "Hank, my friend!" Charles smiled, but still stared at him suspiciously. "What brings you here to one of my classes?"
   "Sorry to interrupt you," he said, smile still in tact, "but there's someone here to see you."
   "Well then. . ." Charles nodded, "tell them to wait in my study, yes?"
   "Oh, I think otherwise." Hank moved away from the door, revealing Emily in all her glory. Students stared at her confused, some with recognition, while Charles stared at her with wide eyes, mouth agape. There she was, looking beautiful like the last time he saw her all those years ago before the war. The same brown wavy hair that was slightly longer than before, her previous pale complexion now slightly tanned, her brown eyes still holding a certain shine to it. Emily stared at him with a watery smile, taking a hesitant step into the room.
   "Emily. . ." Charles whispered. Oh how he wished he had his legs back. . .
   "Charles." Emily said back. "You look just as charming as the last time I saw you."
   "And I you." he said back. "You seemed to have gotten more beautiful the last time I saw you." He then started wheeling as fast as he could to her, Emily meeting him halfway. They finally reached each other, Charles pulling her onto his lap much to her surprise. Ignoring her squeal of surprise, Charles brought her into a tight hug, hiding his face into her neck. He released a shaky breath, placing a small kiss on her neck.
   "I thought you died." Charles whispered to her. "We received that note -"
   "I'll explain later." Emily whispered back. "Let me see you." she pulled away, looking at his face. She brought her hand up, moving her hand to his long hair. "Still handsome as always." she said with a smile. "Listen -"
   "I love you." Charles said immediately, having read her mind quickly, seeing she was about to declare her love for him. "I love you - I have been in love with you ever since we met - when I thought you were possibly dead -" he was cut off by a pair of lips on his, silencing him immediately. He kisses back eagerly, placing a hand on her cheek, the other on her waist, pulling her toward him closer.
   They pulled away when there was a clear of throat, making them realise they weren't alone and they were doing this in front of the students and Hank. Hank stared at them with a raised eyebrow, the students staring at them shocked. "Let's continue this conversation later, yes?" Emily told him. "I'm feeling tired from my travels. Talk to you later?"
   "Okay." Charles reluctantly released his hold on her. "I'll see you later."
   "See you later."


One year later. . .
"Please, Hank?"
   "Please -"
   "NO!" Hank stared down at Charles with a glare. "You're already dating my sister, that's enough."
   "Oh come on!" Charles whined, wheeling after him. "You can't stop our love for each other!"
   "I can prevent a marriage by not giving you my blessing." Hank deadpanned. Charles frowned at his words. "It's weird enough that one of my friends is dating my twin sister. Someone marrying her - my friend marrying her? That's -" he cut off, trying to get the right word. Charles raised an eyebrow, waiting for him to finish his trail of thought. "Look," he sighed, "I'm just very protective of her, okay?"
   "It's okay, I understand." Charles nodded. "You're scared that everything might change. Your scared that you won't have a close connection with her, something will go wrong in Emily and my marriage - I mean, relationship." Charles quickly corrected himself when Hank glared at him warningly. "But Hank, I assure you, everything will be okay. I am a telepath! I'll quickly fix the problem before it even occurs. Please," he gave him a pleading look, "I love her. I'll even not bother you about your social life and wanting you to go outdoors for a whole year - a year!"


Charles and Emily stood together outside in the garden of the mansion, having a bit of some peace and quiet from their wedding reception that was being held inside the mansion. They wanted to have a bit more of some time together.
   "Congratulations." Emily and Charles turned around and saw Erik Lehnsherr. The stared at him with shock.
   "Erik!" Charles breathed out. "W-what are you doing here?"
   "We may have our differences, but you are still my brother." He turned to Emily. "And sister."
   "Well nonetheless," Emily brought him into a hug, "thank you for coming on my wedding!"
   "Thank you." he quickly returned the hug. He glanced at Charles' standing figure. "Used the serum, I presume?"
   "Only for this occasion." Charles said. "How else were Emily and I supposed to do our first dance?"
   "True." Erik gave them a small genuine smile. "I'm really happy for you both." he told them sincerely. He glanced down at his watch. "I got to go before someone sees me."
   "Okay." Charles nodded reluctantly. "It was nice seeing you again."
   "You too." Erik nodded. "And again, congratulations."
   He left the two to themselves, all three feeling oddly at peace now that they had their conversation. They didn't really leave on good terms before. Now they were. "Are we going to be okay, Charles?" Emily asked him curiously. Charles chuckled at her question, planting a small kiss on her head.
   "As much as we can when being mutants."

The End

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