Date Part 1

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"Hey, you have a nice house! Damn." I say walking in. "Do I need to take my shoes off?"

"If it makes you more comfortable haha. You can set them by the door."
After I put my shoes away I plop next to him on the couch.

"So, are you gonna start the movie or what?!" I laugh.

"Well, I was waiting for your slow self." He smiles. He's funny. I like that. Not most guys have a good sense of humor..

"Well I'm here now so press play! I still can't believe you got ALL 9 movies!" I said as he presses play. I hear a beep go of and he gets up.

"Oh that's the popcorn I'll be right back. Do you want anything to drink?"

"Ummmm, water..." I pause as he leaves the kitchen. "And ice! A lot of ice!"

"What, do you want me to wipe your ass too? Geez....selfish!" I bust out laughing on the couch. I swear I can feel tears coming from my eyes. I can hear him laugh from the kitchen.

His laugh. It's perfect.

He walks back in and I finally notice what he's wearing. Pajamas. I am so glad I didn't wear anything fancy. Why would I have if we were just hanging out anyways. After he sits down he hands me a glass of water and has a giant ass bowl of popcorn. I swear this man knows me.

"You know popcorn is my favorite snack." I say grabbing a handful and shoving it into my mouth.

"Good! Cause I have a lot. Oh, movies starting!"

As we watched the movie, I could sometimes see him staring at me from the corner of my eye. After the first two movies we took a bathroom break.

"Wow, can't wait for 3&4 ! Those are my favorite!" I yell laying down on the couch.

"I think it's absolutely ridiculous that they replaced the main girl." He chuckles, lifting my legs to sit under them.

"Ugh, I totally agree! But the other girl screamed and cried too much." That made him laugh. I swear I just want to tell him a million funny things just to hear it.

"So how bad does your arm hurt?" He asks changing the conversation. I'm not so sure I want to talk about everything right now.

"Right now it doesn't hurt. I took my pain killers before I drove over here."

"You're not suppose to be driving after taking pills haha!" This made me laugh. I felt just fine driving. "How many hours do the pills last?" I like this. I like just asking each other questions and talking like what we have is totally normal.

"I took two so it should last about seven hours." I said looking down at my cast.

"Can you tell me what exactly happened between the two of you..." Aw man... "You know, Lynette."

"Do you really want to know everything...?" I know it's not a lot cause it all happened so fast but, I'm afraid he might think he's rebound for Jake...

Which he's not.



"You liked that douchebag...?" He asked obviously jealous.

"Yeah...a lot." I say looking down at my cast. "Did you give him that black eye?" I ask remembering the encounter

"Yes. I did."

Why would Niall hit Jake??

"But why?"

"Early that morning I was driving to the school and I saw that he was in a fight with some kid down the street and I pulled over to stop it.." He takes a deep breath and sighs. "I tried to break it up and he punched me square in the stomach. I got so angry I punched him twice..."

Oh my.....

"Do you have like....anger issues...?" I ask nervously.

"No no no no no. I'm the most chill most of the time. It's just that...Ya know...I'm not sure."

Hearing him say he hurt Jake makes me feel kinda bad, but then I think about what he and Lynette said.... I honestly couldn't care less.


I'm sorry it's short guys....
I'm just really upset right now....


I might update Friday....

Bye :'(


Mr. HoranTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang