I'm Your Substitute

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It's a full quarter in the school year and I just wish it was over. Mrs. Sanchez, my third period teacher, was pregnant and she had to go. We're going to be stuck with some witch I know it. It's 8:36 and if I leave home now I'll make it to school at 8:50. Thank goodness I have a car.

I park in the spot I usually do. Not that many student have cars so there are a lot if spots open. I see Lynette's car right next to mine. How does she always get here before me? Whatever, not important. Lynette is my best friend and its been that way since 1st grade. This year (our junior year of high school) we have 3/6 classes together. First, third and sixth period. I made it to class just as the bell rang. Great here we go. I sit next to Lynette and she's smiling at me like she's happy to see me.

"So what is Miss Kacey talking about anyway?" I whispered in an annoyed tone.

"Something about math and bullshit and I don't even know." We continued to talk throughout the rest of the period. Second period came and it's boring as always. I don't know why I took French instead of Spanish. While the teacher kept talking on and on. I zoned out and found myself staring at Jake. He's so gorgeous. I've liked him since the 7th grade. Eventually the teacher noticed me not paying any attention.

"Skylar, please move over next to Jake so you can see and hear better!" My teacher yelled. I swear He knew I was staring at Jake. He sent me here to die. After I moved I tried to avoid contact. The teacher continues to teach the class as I start to doodle in my notebook.

"Mr. Green can be a real dick, huh?" Oh god.. Is Jake talking to me? I look over to him and he's look at me. So he must be. I just nod my head and start drawing again. There's ten minuets left in class. I just want to get out this hell hole. Next is U.S. History...

It's what I've been looking forward least today. I just know I'm going to have a shitty sub for the rest of the school year. The bell rang and I got up and rolled my eyes. As I'm walking out of the classroom someone stops me and puts their hand on my shoulder. It's Jake.

"Hey do you wanna walk to our next class together?" I got goosebumps just because he was talking to me. I don't even think I can talk right now this is crazy.

"Y-yeah." Is all I can spit out.

As we walk down the stairs I think I notice him staring at me, but I'm not sure. Why would he be staring at me?

We get to class and he says bye and sits in his assigned seat. I look over to the board and see a name written on it.

'Mr. Horan'

He's probably some old grumpy man. I sit down and Lynette smacks my arm hard.

"What was that?!" She yelled quietly into my ear.

"What was what?!" I asked back.

"You and Jake! Did you guys walk to class together?" I nodded and she squealed and a few people looked back at us. We sit in almost the very back so a few heads were turned. "So why did you guys walk to class together?" She asked as everybody went back to their business. The bell rang and everybody was wondering where the new teacher was.

"He just asked that's all. And where is 'Mr. Horan' anyways?" I said finger quoting his name. Just after I said that a handsome man in a button up shirt and tie came in the room. He looked young so I think he might be a student.

"Hello everybody, uh I'm sorry I'm late. I'm your substitute until Mrs. Sanchez gets back on her feet." The rest of the class says hi and what not. I have got to admit our teacher is hot. He's tall and thin but looks like he works out. I can't tell because of his clothing choice. He had short blonde hair but brown at the roots. It looks so soft. I could just run my fingers through it. And from where i am it looks like he had grey eyes. I look over to Lynette and she's just sitting there. The class is just sitting there. Is nobody captivated buy how young and good looking he is?

Minuets later, he starts to take attendance.





"King." I didn't answer I was lost in thought. "Skylar King are you here?" I spring out of my thought and yell,

"Yes I'm here sorry."

"It's okay thank you for listening." Oh my god. His voice is. Hot. Yes I'm being blunt but it really is hot.

The rest of the period he talked about what he expected in us. He talked about what we will be working on each week. Mrs. Sanchez always had us write a 3 page essay about what we learned from each week or two. This time its different. We only have to take a eight question quiz on what we learned. I noticed when he talks he licks his lips a lot. I cant help but stare at his lips while he talks. soon enough class was over. As I was walking out Mr. Horan and I made eye contact. I saw that his eyes were not grey. They were the perfect shade of blue. I quickly looked away and walked out with Lynette. I have art next. Then lunch.


Art and lunch went by super fast.

My fifth period is 'Culinary Arts' that's just fancy talk for cooking. Throughout the whole day I keep finding myself thinking about Mr. Horan. During lunch I didn't eat. I just didn't feel like it. Lynette was talking about something but I wasn't paying any attention. I kept thinking about how he put his fingers through his hair to fix it. He had very big hands. OKAY STOP, I need to stop. Yes he's attractive, but he's a teacher and that's just wrong.

I managed to get through the rest of the school day without thinking about him. As I'm driving home I turn up the radio and one of my old favorite songs came on. 'All the Right Moves' by OneRepublic. I roll the windows down a bit cause I like the breeze. Suddenly I get a text from my mom saying

"Can you stop at the grocery store and get some garlic bread for dinner I'm making spaghetti." I reply okay and make a U turn to go to the store. It's a very small town so it didn't take long to get there. It also made me wonder. Mr. Horan is Irish, why is he here in North Dakota? Alright I need to go in now. I need to get my mind off Mr. Horan. As I park I see that it's almost closing time. Why do they always close or early on Mondays? I notice that there's only a few other cars in the lot. As I walk in its really empty and there's only one checkout opened. I make my way to the bakery section and pick up some garlic bread.

As I'm walking to the register I feel like I wanna get candy. I turn around and go to the candy. I stand there for a few minuets trying to pick what I want and finally decide on gummy bears. I love them and they're my favorite. After that, I walk to the register again and I hear a familiar voice. Once I get there, I see Mr. Horan.

Mr. HoranМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя