In Time...

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Hey guys! I just fixed my computer so that i could update for you lovlies!



"Skylar are you okay?" Lynette asked

"Do I look fucking okay?!? I have a broken arm!" I know i shouldn't be yelling cause she's hurt too. I'm hurt on the inside and out. It's not about Jake anymore. She betrayed me.

"Okay everyone go to class. They'll be okay!" Niall yelled. Eventually everybody was gone and it was just the three of us. He helps me up then Lynette.

"Mr. Horan, don't you have a class to get to?" Lynette asked.

"I'm taking you guys to the nurse to wait for the ambulance and call home." He replied annoyed. We walk a couple feet before she speaks again.

"You didn't answer my ques-"

"Lynette shut up!" I yelled. From the corner of my eye I saw Niall smirking. At this point we all stooped walking.

"Remember last time you were over at my house and all night we talked about how hot Jake was? If I remember correctly, you said I bet he's the best kisser in the world. I'd d anything to get a piece of that." What the fuck is she trying to do? I look over to Niall and his eyes are wide and his eyebrows up. (imagine his reaction to Leeroy) 

"Jake is nothing to me anymore. Just like you arent." I said grinding my teeth together. Niall looked a little mre rellieved.

"Ladies, that's enough." Niall said in a sern tone.

"Shut it Horan." Lynette snapped.

"Excuse me?!" He almost yelled. 

"You heard me. I know about you two. And honestly, I dont know if i wanna tell on  you." You've got to be shitting me...

Niall's P.O.V:

"You heard me. I know about you two. And honestly, I dont know if i wanna tell on  you." How in the world would she kno-

"Jake...." I say out loud. She just has a big fucking smile on her face.

"What will it take for you to shut up.." Skylar asks.

"'I'll let you time. Mr. Horan." She said smirking.

Then she walked away as if she wasnt hurt from the fall down stairs.

"Are you okay babe?" she just looks at me with a blank expression then back at her arm. "Oh yeah... Let's get you to the nurse I think the ambulance is here." After the doctors fixed her arm I kept thinking abut what Lynette said. 'I'll let you time. Mr. Horan.'

 "Mrs. Carson can um, Mr. Horan bring me home?" Sky asked the nurse.

"Why of  corse my little lovely. But I guess its up to him since its okay with me." The old lady said back looking at me. I just smile and nod.

"Well, let's go shall we?" i said looking at Sky. As I'm walking out the nurses office she calls me back in. "Go wait for me outside the front entrance okay?" she nodded and walked away. I stepped back into the elderly woman's office and held my hands behind my back. She got out of her chair slowly and stepped closer to me. 

"Do me a favor..please dont hurt her. I can see the way you look at each other. I know because that's the way my husband looked at me. He was my French teacher. He loved me the way that I see you love her. Now go...It's kind of windy out."  She was right. I'm starting to fall in love with Sky. Even if ive only known her for a short amount of time.

I walk outside and she's standing there with her cast...what if what happened was'nt an accident..?

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