You're Hot When You're Mad

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After I get ready for school and I'm on my way, my phone goes off and it's Lynette. I don't know if I should answer or not. I do anyways.

"What." I say rudely

"Um, hi... I don't expect you to answer."

"Well I'm about to hang up, now what do you want." I almost yell.

"I'm so sorry Skylar... I really am. I've liked him for the longest time and I didn't want to tell you because I knew you liked him too..!"

"So you'd rather ruin our friendship so you could have him to yourself? Is he honestly worth it?"


"No. We're done being friends. You can have him ALLL to yourself. I've found somebody that makes me happy and we just barley met. goodbye." At that I hung up.

I pull up to the school and park in a new spot because I don't want to run into Lynette. First and second period went on very slow. Slower than its ever gone by all year. In second period I noticed Jake had a black eye and a busted lip.

Third period came and Niall kept looking up at me and smiling from his desk. A few times he even blew me a kiss. While he was telling us a story about Pocahontas, he slipped me a piece of paper that said, "Stay after class so we can talk" I hope it's a good talk.

After class was over and everyone left I got up from my seat and walked over to Niall's desk.

"What's up buttercup!" I say cheekily.

"Haha! I wanted to talk about that date I was telling you about." oh merrrr gosh.. "I was thinking we just have a movie night at my place." He said smiling.

Movie night.

At his house...

HIS house

"Ummm, sure! What movies did you have in mind?"

"I thought you'd never ask!" then he walks behind his desk and pulls out a bunch of DVDs and sets them in the desk. He got my nine favorite movie series!
"A Nightmare On Elm Street 1-8 and the remake!" I can't stop smiling.

I jump and clap my hands not caring how stupid I look. I wrap my arms around his neck and kiss him. just as we're kissing, Jake walks in.

Niall's POV

She looked so happy to see that I got her favorite movies for our date. I didn't even get the chance to tell her it would be Saturday. After she has her little cute moment she wraps her arms aren't my neck and pulls me in for a kiss. I barley got the chance to kiss back before somebody walks in. Its that piece of shit Jake. Why would he come back here after I beat the shit out of him for making Sky cry.

She pulls away and her jaw drops not knowing what to say. He looks and her then back at me then back at her again.

"W-were you guys jus-"

"What the fuck do you want?!" I yell at him. he jumps back a little "You know what you saw. We know what you saw. You tell anyone and you're dead! you hear me?! Now go to class!" I'm fucking pissed. Now that I just yelled Sky probably thinks I'm a crazy person.

After he walks out and closes the door she looks at me and looks a little surprised. Oh no.

"Whhhhhhat just happened?" she asked.

"Um, well jake just walked in in us kissing. Annnnd then I told him to leave or I'd kill him..."

"You're hot when you're mad." she said very bluntly.

"Wait what?" I asked surprised

"You heard me." she steps closer to me, grabs my tie and pulls me in for a kiss.


I grab her waist and pull her closer to me. Some how we end up in my chair making out. Her on my lap as we kiss. I don't know what stops her but she jumps off of me really fast and looks at me scared.

"W-what's wrong!" I ask worried

"What time does your next class start?"

"Shit it starts in about five." I say

"I have to go." Kissed me on the cheek and walked half way to the door and turned around. "Wait what time do I have to be at your house?"

"Umm.... noon! now go before you get into trouble!" She quickly left the room blowing me a kiss.

Skylar's POV

As I run out of Niall's classroom, I run down the stairs and smack into somebody. Both of us end up falling
Down the rest for the stairs. I hear a crack and feel a sharp pain in my arm. by the time the both of us are down the stairs I Immediately start crying and screaming. Nearby a teacher came out of her classroom and it was my math teacher from last year.

"Sk-Skylar? Lynette! are you guys okay?" Lynette? I look up and see that it's Lynette that I ran into.

"I'm fine! is Skylar okay?" she asked. why is she worried about me when she has a big cut on her forehead.

"Quick call the an ambulance I think Skylar broke her arm." I can't stop crying. Just then the bell rang and Niall and a bunch of other students crowded the halls. He looked like I was dying and he couldn't save me.


Sorry it's a short chapter guys! Me is tired!


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