You Like Krabby Patties Don't You Squidward

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"Crazy? You think I'm crazy? You know what Niall," She stands up and takes her dress off and then her shoes. Damn. "This was all for you, but since I'm 'crazy' I am going to be. Goodnight Niall." She gets under the blanket and lays down.

What the fuck...


Moments later I hear snoring. Well, that escalated quickly. I figure nothing else is going to happen so I take all of my clothes off except for my boxers and get into bed. I look at her and laugh to myself. This girl that I am staring at really is crazy. I am too. Crazy because we think we can pull this off. Sooner or later I know something Is going to happen that will tear us apart. I turn the lamp next to me off and try to fall asleep. Soon I do.


"Psst. Niall. Wake up." She whispers trying to wake me up. I just want to sleep.

"Mmm, five more minuets. Please."

"Niall no. I'm hungry and want breakfast. Its almost one." 

"In the afternoon?" I say sitting up. Holy shit my head hurts.

"Yes. They're still serving breakfast here. Can I order room service?"

"Yeah. Get anything you want. I just want pancakes, french toast, and eggs." I feel like I haven't eaten in days. I wonder why.

"Okay. I'll call them right now." She jumps on the bed and grabs the phone. The room is still dark and gloomy. t's making me tired. 

"Yeah, you do that." I pull the warm blanket back over my head and I feel sweet relief.


I hear the door slam and I jump up, scared for my life. "Food is here." Sky laughs with the tray of food in her arms. She hands me two plates and some syrup. I notice that she's wearing a pair of shorts and a t-shirt. I guess she threw them on a while ago.

"Thank you." I smile. I am not a morning person, so I hope she doesn't think I'm being mean to her. She sits down with her food and starts eating. 

"So..." She starts with a full mouth. "Does your head hurt as much as mine does?" I knew she would feel like shit in the morning too.

"Yes it does." I laugh. "I didnt think we'd drink that much last night." She laughs, and some of her coffee spills out of her mouth. She hands me a cup that was on her night stand. It's warm and it smells like heaven.

"Any plans of tod-" Her phone starts to ring. She picks it up and answers it. "Hello?.....With my friend...Yeah I had fun. B-ut Mom....That isn't fair....K fine...Bye..." That didn't sound so good..

"What did she say?" She takes a sip of her coffee before she speaks,

"She wants me to come home because she has big news.." I wonder what kind of news.. "I was having a good time...I don't want to go yet.." Im happy to her that she was enjoying herself.

"Well, we dont want you to get into any trouble so I think I should drop you off at home babe." She looks up and tries to give me puppy dog eyes. "Sky. That isn't going to work. I want you to stay too, but your mom wants you home."

"Fine..." She crosses her arms.

"You should text her and tell her that you'll be home in three to four hours."

*Sky's POV*

Three to four hours? It only takes two to drive back? And with this storm? That's crazy talk. I pick my phone back up and begin to text my mom.

Mom, what about the storm?Is it bad? Im all the way out in     and it will take two hours just to get back home. My friend and I are just about to see a movie..We already payed of it. So can I just come home tomorrow please???

She replied with:

It's getting worse. and I guess you can stay with your friend until it dies out. And why are you guys way the hell out there?

It's her birthday. We're staying at a hotel and everything. Movie is about to start. I have to go. Bye.

I turn my phone off so that if she texts back, I dont have to reply. "Niall, She said I could stay until the storm is gone!" He looked shocked and happy. 

"That's great. Does that mean we can stay in bed all day?"

"If you want to. My head hurts really bad, so I dont really want to go anywhere." How much did I drink last night? When I woke up this morning I realized I was in my bra and underwear, I guess Niall and I had sex... I wish I had remembered it. I put on some shorts and a white t-shirt before I woke him up. I wonder if he remembers? I just wont bring it up.

"Sounds good to me. Thanks for ordering breakfast. I think I'm full, and a bit tired."

"Drink more of your coffee, maybe that will wake you up more."

"Sky, I'm a teacher. If coffee really did that you would see me with coffee everyday."

"It's science. Coffee really does make you more energized and aware of your surroundings."

"No it doesn't."

"Yes it does!" He's starting to frustrate me.

"All it does is, make you full and lazy."

"Only some kinds. It depend on what you drink." I look down and see that I am drinking black coffee. I guess I gave him the wrong one. Oh well.

"Yeah, coffee black keeps you awake but the kind I have is just like vanilla and sweetened stuff." I began to laugh. "What's so funny?" He asks confused.

"I gave you the wrong coffee. I'm drinking yours." I tilt my mug to show him what's insid and he laughs too.

"You're going to be bouncing off the walls in like five seconds Sky." His hands are on his stomach an his head is tilted back. He's so attractive. I see his muscles even more.

"Was the sex good last night?"  Wut...

"Huh?" He stops laughing completly and asks. I dont know why I asked that. It kind of just slipped.

"When we had se-"

"We didn't have sex. You got all mad at me and you went to bed." Really? I think he's just pulling my leg.

"Are you sure you just don't remember?"

"Oh, trust me. I remember everything." He chuckled

"Why was I mad at you?" He didn't do anything to make me mad at him. At least I don't think he did.

"Well, we were about to. But then I called you crazy and then you went to bed. So no sex last night."

"Oh." I say looking down. I'm glad that we didn't because I would have wanted to remember, but I still wish we had.

"Oh? You wanted to really bad didn't you." Right now he looks like Spongebob in the episode where Squidward liked krabby patties. 

"Yes.." I say quietly.

"Well then, come here." He winks and lays down on his back.



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