Your Fault

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"I love you Sky." He kisses my forehead. "And I can't wait for you to meet my family."

"I love you too, and same. I just hope they like me."

"They will love you just as much as I do, baby." I think out of every moment that I've lived, this is my most favorite.


*A few weeks later*

Winter break is next week. I am beyond excited, but still theres a part of me that's, terrified. What if his family doesn't like me. What if they don't approve of our relationship? I don't know what I'd do.

"You'll probably need to bring warm clothes. If you though it was cold here, you ain't seen nothing yet." He laughs.

A make-out session and a few hours later he goes home. In my head I keep thinking about Ireland. I am excited to go, but..I don't know if we're going to fast or nah [JK HAHA] or not..I wish I had one petty friend to alk to about it. Why does life have to be so damn complicated..

You are the one dating a teacher, you brought this upon yourself.

My subconcious tells me. Okay, who said you could talk? Ugh

We're the same person, dumbass.

I'm starting to give myself a headache..I'm just gonna go to sleep..


*That next Monday* [I lost track of what day it was haha]

"Okay guys, get out some notebook paper. We're about to take notes!" Niall says and everyone including me groans. I take my notebook out just brefore he begins,

"I want you to name these notes 'A Matter of Misperception." He starts off. "The Vice President of the American bankers association said that that depression was a matter of misperception. His thinking was that there were 120M people in the US and that a max. Of 10M were involved in the stock market- so there other 110M should be just fine.." I started to zone off. I really wasn't paying attention to what he was saying anymore. I wonder if he would get mad at me, like any other student for not listening to his lecture. I do like it when he talkes though. I hear what he's saying but I'm not really listening to him.

"Skylar, stop staring at the sky and tune into the lecture." He turns his head back to the smartboard and continues his spouting.

The kid behind me taps on my shoulder and passes me a note. It has my name on the front so I slyly read it, in my purse. I can tell from the handwriting that its from Lynette. She has the est handwriting in the world. The note read;

Sky, I know you probably hate me because you think I told that jerk about you and Niall, but I didn't. I just got you back, why would I screw up like that. I love you... We're supposed to be best friends until the day we die..

By this time it's obvious that I'm not paying attention or doing my work. Niall walks up to me and snatches the note out of my hands. Geez, why is he acting like such a teacher?

Oh wait. He is one..

He reads the note and crumbles it up and shoves it into his pocket. I hope he's not too mad at me. I hear a few girls giggling at me from behind, so I turn around and flip one of them off. She looked very offended. I hope she is. Niall continues with his lecture and the guy behind me taps my shoulder again. Another note.

Please, let's talk after class.

There wasn't a signiture this time because it was obviously from her.

"Are you serious?" Niall yells. "Give me the note. I want you two to stay after class." A few students 'oo' and laugh. I don't see what's so funny, I'm going to get chewed out by my own boyfriend for passing notes.

The bell rings and Lynette and I stay in our seats. I lay my head down on the desk and hear the door close. Footsteps are coming towards me. Click, thump, thump, click, screech, click.

"This needs to stop. This is going to end right now." I look up and Lynette had moved to the desk next to me. I'm not sure what to say at the moment. I just want to leave.

We both just look up and stare at him as he gets angry. "Are either of you going to say anything?" He starts to pace back and forth. Once again, neither of us say a word. "I am goddamn sick of this whiny 'best friend' bull. You two just need to stop being do damn stupid." I feel like he's not speaking to me as my boyfriend. I hate that he's talking to me like I'm some child. He seems to do that when he's angry with me.

"This is all of your fault anyway." Lynette mumbles. I wonder if Niall heard her all the way, because I sure did.

"Excuse me?" He stops pacing.

"I said this is all your fault. We wouldn't be in this kind of mess if you two weren't- together." She lowered her voice on the last part.

"Oh, really?" he laughs, but it wasn't a real laugh. It was kind of a hysterical one. "It's my fault that you went behind her back, and dated her crush? Yeah, that's totally my fault. I was there for her when you were being a total bitch, so don't you tell me that I ruined your friendship!" He's not wrong.

"We made up after that, with or without you! I told her I was sorry and we made up. We are not here right now for that reason so do not bring up something that happened almost four months ago." She stands up and throws her fists on the desk. I'm surprised that she's talking so sternly to Niall. She has a problem with standing up for herself.

"Fine then, why are we here right now. Sky, would you like to say something instead of watching us bicker?" They both look at me with anger and sadness in their eyes. My mouth opens, but nothing comes out.


I'm so so so sorry I haven't updated in two weeks! Time just flies really fast!

I love you!


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