Chapter 28

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Chapter 28

Beckham's POV

It didn't take long for Remy to change into something other than a dress (why did she love those things so much?) and then to meet me outside. I don't know how she managed to sneak out of the palace day after day and night after night, but I never questioned it. I needed her help so I was just glad she could get out without a hassle. She had a different way of looking at situations than me so I needed her eye when it came to looking for things that I missed.

"What are we doing tonight?" Remy asked as she bounced on her toes beside me. She almost looked giddy for some unknown reason. I raised an eyebrow at her and cautiously answered.

"Remember that night that we went to that warehouse to listen to what I was pretty sure was a rebel meeting?"

She nodded her head.

"Well we're kinda doing the same thing today except we have to be a bit more discrete with our actions. My team has reason to believe this meeting is going to be guarded more than the last. The rebels know that we're on their trail and looking for their leader so they've gone more underground than they already were. We're lucky we even intercepted this meeting today," I told her as we started walking off the palace grounds.

My team had been searching none stop for days trying to find anything more that might help us to find the leader of this group. I also had Ed working specifically on figuring out what their purpose was. There was a good chance this rebel group had some logical reason for killing what seemed so far to be innocent people and for wanting Remy to work with them, but what was it?

"Doesn't that sound a bit suspicious to you? Like maybe they purposely let you intercept the location and time of the meeting just so that way they could catch us. What if this is just a trap?" She shot me a worried glance, but I shook it off.

"My team thought the same thing which is why we just have to stay alert and be more cautious. I think we can still get in it's just going to be a little harder."

"Alright," she sighed. "Then lets do it."


We managed to get inside without being detected which was great, but I felt uneasy about it. There were definitely more guards posted at this small venue than the one before, but not near the amount I had been anticipating. I wasn't sure whether that was a good or a bad thing. Either I had been preparing for the worst for no reason or the worst was yet to come. We set up camp in a more discrete place this time since there was no second story railing to look down from. I had a couple of guesses as to where the meeting might take place, but I was going with my first guess which was a room about the size of a small classroom just off of the main conference room.

I had four pieces of the same equipment that were made for picking up sounds from behind a wall. They then transmitted the sound to an earpiece in my ear and Remy's ear. The listening devices were the east part. The hard part was figuring out where Remy and I would hide. We had to be close enough to the listening devices so we could pick up the transmission, but the listening devices had to be at least on the shared wall in the next room. That was what gave the me crazy idea of hiding out on the ceiling. The ceiling had about two feet of steel beams that would hold our weight while we listened in on the meeting. It was going to be very uncomfortable, but it would get the job done.

When in hushed tones I explained the plan to Remy, I thought she was going to explode.

"Are you crazy?" she hissed, looking between me and the ceiling. "There's no way we can get up there and stay up there."

"There is a way and we're going to do it. Step into this harness. We only have ten minutes to get set up before the guards make a sweep of this room," I quietly told her, holding out the pieces of the harness.

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