Chapter 33

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Chapter 33

Beck's POV

As I led Renoford onto the dance floor, I tried to shake the remains of jealously that were coursing through me. For some reason, seeing Remy dancing with Prince Griffin struck a cord with me. It was like every sensor that normally controlled all of my jealous tendencies and impulsive moves went on vacation and I was left to suffer the consequences. I knew I needed to stay away from her which was why I had been ignoring her, but now I was undoing it all. Asking her to dance was a mistake. A big mistake and yet, I was okay with it.

My eyes never deviated from hers as I took her left hand in my right, let my left hand rest on her waist, and began the dance.

The tranquility of the dance didn't last very long, however, since her look of shock turned into frustration early into the song.

"Why are you doing this Isaac? You ignore me for days then decide to sweep me into a romantic dance?" She indignantly asked.

Her grip on my hand tightened slightly, only further enforcing the point that she was not happy with me.

"Romantic? And here I thought I was being a nice guy asking a lonely girl to dance," I teased, although my face could have told anyone differently. Ren obviously didn't believe me because she gave me a blank look.

"Look, I've just had a lot to think about lately. And dancing with you...well, it was kind of an impulsive move," I admitted.

I was technically telling the truth, just not the whole truth.

Her angry expression relaxed slightly, causing her stormy blue eyes to lighten up as well.

"Do you regret acting on your impulse?" She asked this so timidly that if I hadn't of been looking at her as she said this, I would have thought it was someone else. Ren was not a timid person,  but she was when she asked this.

Ironically enough, I almost replied with my impulsive and completely truthful answer. Of course I didn't regret asking Ren to dance. I'm not sure I could ever regret spending time with her, but I couldn't tell her that.

Maybe it was the look on my face or the lack of words coming from my mouth, but she quickly continued on.

"It doesn't matter. It doesn't change anything," she said, her face morphing back into the diplomatic face of indifference.

This time it was my turn to ask her, "Change what?"

My curiosity took the better half of me and I probably showed more emotion than I should have. Ren had a way of breaking down my look of indifference, but clearly I had no effect on hers. She could break down every wall of mine and never even blink when I told her of my true feelings. It was just further confirmation that she could never feel about me as I did about her. She was as immune to charms as I was completely in love with her. This dance had to be my official break away from her.


Ren's POV

Isaac was so frustrating! It was a wonder I even liked him at all...But I did. So much. The longer the song played, the more I fell. Even though this dance was not one of romance, I began to fantasize of what it would be like if Isaac really loved me. If this dance was real and not one that Isaac saw as an opportunity to probably have a cover while he worked on the case, it would have been wonderful. "So Close" was the song playing and the words were like a mirror of mine and Isaac's relationship.

"Doesn't change what?" Isaac asked, looking not even the slightest bit interested.

I wasn't even sure why he bothered to ask since he obviously didn't care. Even though he was teasing me earlier, I'm his statement held some truth. He was only dancing with me as a pity dance. He had been ignoring me for a reason and while I didn't know what that reason was, he wouldn't have been ignoring me if he really liked me.

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