Chapter 24

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Chapter 24

Beckham's POV

I couldn't believe how open and civil she was being to me. Normally she was grumpy and feisty, which was fine, but I enjoyed this side of her much more. I felt...comfortable. Like how I might feel tossing around a rugby ball. Our conversing was natural and easy. And real. For once, we were both being ourselves, which didn't include any titles or sarcasm.

I was also stuck with a weird feeling that refused to leave me. I kept thinking of how vulnerable Remy had been in the hallway and how all I wanted to do was protect and hold her. I nearly got too close to her. Nearly lost control of my emotions.

I refused to believe that the reason I pulled away from her touch was because I was going to kiss her. I didn't even like Remy and even if I did it wouldn't matter. I had responsibilities to uphold and those didn't include frolicking with the Princess.

I looked up from my hands that were hanging between my knees back up to Remy's eyes. She was staring out of the window although she was still talking. I didn't interrupt her as I could tell she was a bit lost in her thoughts. Maybe that's why she had an anxiety attack.

"Isaac," she laughed suddenly. "I'm really sorry for all of this. It's kind of weird that were talking like, normally, but admittedly, I feel pretty comfortable," she shrugged, looking over at me.

"It's fine," I waved off, "I had time to spare so why not spend it serving the Princess."

Her face immediately darkened and I realized that I said something wrong.

"Uhh, I mean-"

"No. I know what you meant," she interrupted. Her face had turned stony and unreadable and I knew that had ruined whatever this was with my comment.

I sighed and ran a hand over my face.

"You know, Remy. You're one difficult, stubborn, and, yes, annoying princess, but you're going to make a great queen. Can you honestly tell me that you haven't been preparing for this job your whole life? I mean I feel like if I was an heir to the throne that subconsciously, despite whether I actually wanted the crown or not, I would still have been preparing for it. Do you disagree?"

She seemed slightly shocked by my outburst, especially since I had been mainly letting her talk this whole time, but she shook her head nonetheless.

"Then I think you just need to decide if your going to start trying."

When she started to protest, I added, "Really trying Remy. You have to want it."

She sat in silence for a moment until she finally gave me a single nod.

Ladies and gentlemen, I had rendered the Princess speechless.


We didn't stay in around each other for much longer after that. She mumbled something about talking to her dad and I knew I needed to talk to my own.

He had been hounding me on what evidence I had found and how many people I had imprisoned. Not to mention all of his many reminders to act like a prince while staying undercover. What did that even mean? Needless to say, I wasn't looking forward to this conversation.

I dialed his advisors phone and listened to the rings as I waited for him to answer. I had to validate all my calls through my father's advisor before I could call my father and talk to him. My father didn't like surprises and he especially didn't like having his time wasted.

"This is Don Donaldson," he answered.

I rolled my eyes at "hello" and proceeded with my normal hello.

Modern PrincessTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon