Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

Ren's POV

I was able to make it through the entire Imagine Dragons album when my alarm went off, signaling  it was time for me to go greet my guests.

I sighed and picked myself up off my bed. I a coat off my bed that would keep me nice and cozy as I stood in the freezing weather.

Here I go.

About to leave the comfort and security of my room.

I might meet my future husband tonight.

After a little pep talk, I opened my door and followed a guard to the back entrance. Luckily, we made it there without any interruptions, but I could hear the party even from way back here.

It sounded like everyone was having a great time, but I guess I would find out for sure in an hour or so.

The guards opened the doors for me and I went and stood beside the lady that was checking everyone's names off. I was under a covering that blocked both the rain and the sun, but not the wind. Fortunately, between my coat and the loads of tool on my dress, I was staying pretty warm.

"Has anyone arrived yet?" I asked the white-haired woman after she curtsied.

"No, Your Highness. This is the first car," she responded, pointing to a long black car, pulling into the circle driveway.

The car pulled up to the stairs and I stood up straighter, waiting for the guest to emerge.

A tall girl with long black hair and even taller heels stepped out. I immediately recognized her as Princess Liesa from our neighboring kingdom, Diasien. We saw each other all the time, considering our dads were pretty good friends. She was nice enough, but we had never formed a really great relationship. We were okay hanging out together when we saw each other, but once we left, we didn't make special plans to see each other more often. We were just acquaintances.

A tall guy followed her, which I'm assuming was her date.

Royals were allowed to bring a plus one, but everyone else couldn't. Chances were, the royals wouldn't know anyone here, but the normal teens would know each other so they would be okay.

"Princess Ren, it's so great to see you," Liesa smiled as she gave me a light hug.

"You too. Wow. You look great," I exclaimed, putting on my winning smile.

"Oh please. Look at you! You certainly are a stunner! Happy birthday, by the way."

"Thank you. Thank you. You are welcome to follow Jack and he will lead you to the ballroom, where the main party is and if you need anything else, just tell a guard and he can help you," I said, directing them toward the guy holding open the doors.

"Okay. Thank you," she said walking away.

"No problem."

I didn't have to wait long for the next car to arrive. The doors were opened and a tall, very good looking guy got out.

Please let this be one of the princes.

My wishes were shot down, however, when a familiar brunette stepped out of the car after the guy.

Goldia wasn't a princess, but she was being raised by her aunt and uncle, which happened to be the king and queen. Since her guardians were royalty, she was at all of the royal events so I couldn't not invite her to the party. Plus, she was loads of fun.

"Happy Birthday," she screamed all the way to me.

Goldia's one of those people who are always overly happy, outgoing, and try just about anything put under her face, which includes things she shouldn't. She has been in the news a lot for coming home drunk after a long night at a club.

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