Chapter 38

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Chapter 38

Beckham's POV

I knew I had to go see my father at some point so I thought it would be better to do it sooner rather than later.

I felt like a huge wimp having to get one of the guards to give me a piggy back ride down to the holding cells, but I couldn't walk down there. That was determined after I nearly toppled down the stairs using my crutches and then the hobbling hurt too much. I hated being so dependent on others, especially at a time like this, but what other choice did I have?

I was hoping to be able to talk to my father without showing how weak I was, but I wasn't sure how long that would last. I could barely stay out of bed for more than a couple of hours without it taking a serious toll on my body. No matter how much I wanted to speed up the healing on my stomach, in the end, it healed at its own pace.

A seat was placed right in front of my father's cell for me to sit on. He was already seated on a small stool placed inside of his cell. He stared at me the entire time and even let out a chuckle for no reason.

"How's the healing coming?" he asked, keeping a hint of a smile on his face. 

"I'm not here for small talk," I responded, keeping my face impassive.

"So...Where do you want me to start? Maybe with why I decided to kill all those innocent people," he nearly spat the word innocent. He pulled his stool closer to the cell bars and leaned his elbows onto his knees, causing him to look hunched over. I had never seen my father so informal and...normal looking. He was showing a small piece of his true self which was far more than I had ever seen before. But why now?

"Seems like a logical start, " I responded, trying to relax in the seat so as to release some of the tension in my stomach, but it only halfway worked. As hard as I tried not to grimace, a pained look still made it's way onto my face.

"Right well I should start by saying you're not the true heir to the throne."

"Excuse me?" I asked, confusion filling the spot where pain had once been.

"It's true. I wasn't even the heir to the throne. You see, this whole fiasco all started a long time ago, if you can believe that. It was their fault. That's part of the reason why I needed to kill them. It's why you must finish my job."

"I would never take innocent lives for my own, selfish pleasure. I may be your son, but that's as far as our similarities go," I growled.

"Careful there, King Beckham. You might strain yourself," he smiled, clearly enjoying this show he was purposely making. 

"What does being heir or not being heir have to do with anything?" I asked, trying to even my voice out again. 

"Okay. I guess I'll just jump right into it. You have an uncle who you've never met. My brother and twin, the true heir to the throne. He was kidnapped at birth by these people-"

"The rebels?"

"Sure...Rebels. He was kidnapped and raised as one of them. He was suppose to come and take back his throne, to rule by the rebels ideals." 

Even though he was speaking of his own brother, there was no remorse or sadness in his voice. Only bitterness and hostility. 

"When I learned of this a year ago, I knew I could not let him destroy my kingdom. I had worked to bring this kingdom back to a respectable position after my idiot of a father nearly destroyed it and I wasn't going to let my hard work get put into the wrong hands. He was coming to take my rightful throne and I couldn't let that happen to me. To us. So I took care of it. He died months ago so I thought we were in the clear, but of course, he had produced an heir of his own. The new rightful king of Troaith. I hunted the new heir down for months, but I was never able to get close enough. They had him so heavily guarded I was only able to get to a few rebels. So these innocent people you speak of are far from innocent. They were coming to take our throne and our rightful place here. I did this for us Beckham. I did this for the kingdom."

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