Chapter 18

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Chapter 18

Ren's POV

I had the brilliant idea to bring both Declan and Beckham on a date with me. Even though it looked like Beckham wanted to refuse, he nodded and followed me anyway. I soon found out that was probably because they didn't like each other.

Every time I tried to start a nice conversation, both guys would end up making snappy comments at each other. I would try to redirect the conversation, but after twenty minutes of listening to them argue, I was getting tired of it.

I was now sulking in the seamstress's work room as he pinned pieces of fabric on me. Since I had nothing to do, I came over to my favorite seamstress and was having him measure any dresses or outfits he was working on. Sure he had a mannequin with all my measurements, but it was never the same as actually having me here.

"Your Highness, do you find it more comfortable to have the sleeve here," he pulled the fabric of the scarlet colored dress to my elbow, "or here," he tugged it farther down my arm to my forearm.

"I would prefer my forearm unless it seems awkward when looking at it," I said, looking at the full length mirror in front of me.

The seamstress, who I called Mr. World due to his many travels, tapered the sleeve at my forearm and then stepped back to look at the dress as a whole.

"I think it looks lovely there. Good choice Princess Renoford," he smiled, coming back over to me to continue working.

I kinda felt bad for not knowing his real name, but I learned there was no point. In my early years , we kept around a just a couple of seamstresses for both my dad and I, but then Dad started to notice the designs all looked the same. To fix this, he decided to have seamstresses rotate in and out of the palace. Even though it was a bit more complicated that way since some had businesses of their own and we would have to request their presence at the palace months before they were needed, it kept our outfits fresh and bold. Even though Dad wasn't a fashionita in any sort or fashion (no pun intended), he did understand the importance of keeping a fresh appearance.

So for the next few months, Mr. World would be my seamstress along with another woman who was new to our rotating system. I wished so badly that Mr. World would stay at the castle year round and be my personal seamstress, but he was too famous for that. People from all over the world were always in demand of his designs and it would just be unfair to tie him down in Kedudien. He was my favorite designer for a few reasons, but mostly due to his knack of making most of my garments with geometric shapes and sheer fabrics.

Which reminds me.

"Will you have some extra time in the next couple of weeks," I asked, looking at him through the mirror since he was altering the back of the dress.

"I can certainly make some extra time. Is there going to be a piece that needs a little extra attention," he asked, putting a pin between his lips.

"Well I'm to be attending a wedding soon-"

He met my gaze in the mirror with wide eyes and I knew what he was thinking.

"No, not my own," I exclaimed, quickly squashing any excitement he had. "Prince Azzedine is getting married soon and I wanted to see if you could make my dress for it," I smiled a cheeky smile in hopes that he would do it, even though I knew he practically couldn't say no.

His mouth dropped open, letting go of the sewing pin in turn.

"I would love to," he cheered, surprising me with his enthusiasm. "Let me finish pinning the back of this and then I can start sketching while you're here."

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