Chapter 23

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Chapter 23

Ren's POV

I couldn't stop thinking about the talk I had had with my dad a few days ago. His age had been showing more than ever that day and I couldn't help, but notice it. More noticeable than that however was the elephant in the room; the woman who had given birth to me.

"She's gone you know. You can stop searching the room," Dad sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose in a sign that for him meant frustration and exhaustion.

I felt terrible about how I had acted earlier, but not for my supposed mother's sake, but for my dad's. I hadn't really taken into account how seeing her again might have made him feel. Instead I had thrown an entire lifetime of anger in his direction. He didn't deserve that, especially when he had always worked so hard to take care of me.

"Okay," I mumbled, glancing at my shoes and then peeking at my dad.

"I really don't know what to say to you Ren. You acted completely without thought and that can never happen again. You of all people should know how important it is to keep your emotions in check, especially around outsiders," he frustrated lectured, pushing himself off the desk he had been leaning on to walk over to me.

"I'm really sorry," I whispered, guilt filling every inch of my body.

"I hate to do this, but it's becoming increasingly more apparent to me that you need more training in order to take over the throne. I've always been so easy on you, but it's crucial that you be prepared to take over this kingdom. This is people lives were in charge of, even if only to a extent. You have to be ready."

I nodded, still staring at the ground. He had very right to be disappointed in me. I mean, even with all of my confidence I could see I wasn't behaving and preparing like I should have been.

"...Which is why I'm going to have to tighten up your schedule. I know I never really gave you a schedule as a child, but as I already mentioned, it is a necessity that you have one now. And even though I've been giving you a partial one this past week, you have to be ready. Starting tomorrow morning, you and I will have identical schedules. On the days where I'm in with parliament for hours on end, you will sit in for an hour and then will go to a training of your own. Lady Emma is back and will prepare you for the throne in all things etiquette and proper."

I was brought back to the present when the alarm on my phone rang. My ten minute break was over and now it was back to work. I groaned in exhaustion and resisted the urge to rib my eyes. I didn't want to smudge my eye makeup, but I was so tired. It had only been three days and I already felt like I hadn't had a proper sleep in months. On top of my new schedule, I still had to take the princes on dates where I could. That normally meant spending whatever time I had for lunch with them, unless I was having lunch with a diplomat.

I shakily stood from the seat I had occupied for ten minutes and propelled my aching legs towards my dad's office. This was where I met him each time we separated, except today, he wasn't waiting for me. His advisor, Jerrold, was there instead.

"Where's my father," I asked, glancing around his office even though I knew he wasn't there.

"His Majesty is feeling slightly under the weather and is taking a slightly longer break. I will accompany you to your next meeting and then he will meet us there afterword," he replied, his gaze breaking from his tablet only once.

It was no secret that the man wasn't very fond of me, but we tried to keep things civil. However, I normally didn't have to deal with him

"Is he okay? I mean, should I go check on him really quickly before the meeting," I asked with concern evident in my voice.

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