Chapter 14

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Chapter 14

Beckham's POV

We managed to sneak into a small restaurant on the outskirts of town. Now that we had some dirt on us, we blended in better than ever. There still wasn't any cell phone service so we were just going to have to travel back into the city to see if we could stumble upon Gail and Isaac-Prince Beckham, I mean.

I ordered us some drinks to hopefully calm Princess Renoford down. She was still pretty shaken and there was no way she was going to let me get away with my little secret now. Even though those thugs probably weren't in cahoots with the unknown murderers.

"Isaac, who killed that guard?"

Ren's soft voice caught me off guard. I was so use to her yelling at me that when she spoke with uncertainty, it took me a second to compose myself.

"I don't know," I replied. That wasn't completely false. I didn't know who killed him, only that it was murderers. The murderers to be exact. The only way I knew that to be true was because of the symbol stamped into the dirt next to his body. I got rid of it before Ren was able to catch a glimpse of it, but I saw. I only realized then that that very symbol had been next to the girl I found at Princess Ren's ball and beside a few other people and places I had been to since then. The symbol verified that the murderers were probably rebels. A group of them. Rebelling against what though, my group and I weren't sure.

I guess I would have to tell Princess Ren this, hopefully just a watered down version.

"But it's not random people," I continued.

She leaned forward in her seat, seemingly more interested. "What do you mean?"

I took a deep breath ad explained as much as I could without going into much detail. I told her about the reports we had received and about what's been happening around the world.

She listened patiently, shaking her head and asking questions when necessary. I didn't tell her everything I knew, for fear of association, but enough to get her by.

"Obviously this has to be a group, but what are their motives? Are any of the murdered people connected in any way?"

"That's what we're trying to figure out. For both questions," I sighed, rubbing my temple.

"Who all knows about this," she asked, staring into my eyes.

"I'm not sure exactly, but enough people. I think the reason no one is really doing anything about it is because it looks like normal murders. They're happening all over Troiath and over a few more countries. We've sent officers to investigate of course, but the murderers are good. They cover up nearly any track they make and understand know how to lead us astray. Every time we think we're getting somewhere it's really just a fake trail, planted to get us off their actual trail. It's very frustrating," I grumbled, running a hand through my hair for the hundredth time.

"So why are you, of all people, investigating this case? I mean, aren't you just a friend of Prince Beckham's?"

Her question threw me off. I hadn't really put much thought into explaining why I was heading this case. I just thought people would accept it and move on.

Apparently not.

"Well," I stalled, trying to think of a plausible excuse. "Obviously the monarchy trusts me very much and...I'm very good friends with the Crown Prince. They...they just wanted someone who was close to the royal family and who had a through knowledge of the world and its workings."

I had no idea if that even made any sense, but maybe she would be so confused that she would just let it go.

"Okay," she shook her head.

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