Traitor- Part 1

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[Character: Lunggar]
We went to explore this dark lab, how did we even get here? We're supposed to be on grass, so why are we on a lab?

I mean, there are computers everywhere, but strangely, most of the glass panels are shattered. This lab looks desserted.

"Why would a lab suddenly pop out in the middle of nowhere?" Asked Radka.

"You're asking me?" Answered Dion.

My interest stopped me on a big screen, which was connected to a computer, of course I checked the computer.

From the looks of it, there are no files inside the computer, either this computer is brand new, or someone erased all the files here.

Then, Rhatu came to me. "How's that computer?" I explained the situation. "Should've known, all the computers here don't have any files at all." So someone erased all the files here, could it have been the traitor?

Then, something caught my intention, under the big screen, were broken headphones and some sort of device that looked like a smartphone. While, Rhatu went on investigating, I, who thought I should see this on my own, took the smartphone and opened it.

The ON button on the side, typical. The screen turned on, showed some sort of chatroom. It showed messages just only from the one who used this phone, all messages were read. I went to the top of the chatroom to read the messages. Seems like they go back from when we just arrived to the island, like:
"Monokuma showed up, everyone is panicking."
Then, it kept on showing messages about the activities and events that we did on the island, this must be the traitor's phone. I think I have a bad feeling about this.

Then, Tio came to me, I quickly hid the phone on my pocket before he noticed. "Lung, are you alright? Because you've been acting weird lately."

"Oh me? I'm fine." I didn't want to worry him.

"Please, don't force yourself, if you have something to say it's fine to say it." Tio was saying that like he was accusing me as the traitor, his tone and choice of words, I know he's just trying to help, but I don't like his way of talking. I told him I'm fine and he left my space. I kept the phone indide me, then I went back to the computer checking if there were any files about this place, even though when we saw the computer it was empty, but I can't lose hope.

Hope saved my life, I clicked the file hidden by the hide file button, the name of the file was "Final". I pressed it and it revealed one video, which I began to click it and the screen showed the video. The screen turned Green and with it's white font colour, it showed the words, "FIND THE TRAITOR." Everyone was having the same reaction as me, confused and slightly panicking.

So, I called everyone to gather to discuss what was going on. "From the looks of it, this is like a lab of the Future Foundation."

"But nobody's here, and the place is trashed but the computer you used." Said Dion.

"Well, maybe there some other clues?" Suggested Malika.

"Who would do such a thing?" Asked Radka.

"This place is all trashed, so someone didn't want someone else to find out what was in here." I explained.

"Us." Said Tio.


"But who erased all the files?" Asked Rhatu.

"The same person we're looking for, the traitor." Everyone gasped and started to think that this all made sense. Still, there must be some other clue I can find to help us here. There I saw a piece of paper on the ground, I took it and it revealed to be a photograph, of the school and us in it. It's the gradiation photo.

This doesn't make any sense, if we went to summer camp, shouldn't the other ninth grade class come with us? Why am I realising now? This is really weird.

"How are we supposed to find the traitor? Asked Malika. I don't think we'll be able to find the traitor that easily.

"I doubt we'll be able to know who is the traitor since they are among us." Said Tio. I couldn't agree more.

"So, we won't be able to get out of this lab until someone confesses?" Said Dion. I hate to admit but Dion is right.

"Well, there's no other way then." Tio's voice caught my interest. "We'll have to guess."

"Are you crazy?! We can't just guess." Said Kent.

"There's no better idea." He shot at Kent.

"Darn. This is hopeless." Said Rhatu. She was about to lose hope.

"Then think, why are all the files are erased from all the computers." Said Tio. He was on to something.

"To make sure we don't find out about something of course." Said Dion.

"But the bond between all of us is strong, so the traitor would have just left the files there for us." Added Tio. He was definitely on to something. "Maybe they couldn't betray the Future Foundation, no matter what, that's why they had to erase these files, the Future Foundation ordered them to, even though the traitor trusted they're friends." Tio was going a little bit far.

"W- what are you talking about Tio?" I asked, but he didn't answer he kept saying everything about the traitor.

"The traitor must've had a cold heart when they erased all these files, they must've felt bad."

"THAT'S WHY I AM ASKING YOU WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT!" I was confused and was somehow sad.

"So, who do you think is the traitor Lunggar?" He asked. I didn't realise but the rest were staring at me the whole time. "Who betrayed us?" He was asking me with a smile. He was making me feel both cold and hot. "Please Lung, tell us."

I was sweating, this is really weird, but somehow it's not. I don't want to face the truth, but:

- Lunggar
- Dion
- Radka
- Anya
- Gabby
- Ezra
- Aila
- Arriva
- Widya
- Hanief

X Lunggar
X Rhatu
X Malika
▶ Tio
X Kent
X Radka
X Anya
X Gabby
X Ezra
X Aila
X Arriva
X Widya
X Hanief

"It's you, isn't it?"

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