Dissapearing Performer

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[Character : Aila ]

We were on the floor when we saw that horrifying scene, what happened to that figure? My head is spinning because of this.

" We have to go there now!" Said Rhatu.

With a nod, we rushed towards the studio, exiting the hospital running as fast as we can to the studio, finally reached there.

"Aila, you don't think...." Said Rhatu in a worry. I didn't know too what to do, there's only one thing we can do.

"We have to, whether they are already dead or not, we have to be prepared for the worst." I said.

I took hold of the door handle, pressing it down, then pushed it along with a small prayer.

Oh dear, when was the last time I said this was ok in this island? I don't remember, because what I see now is a hung corpse.

"Waaaaahhhhh!!!!!" Screamed Rhatu.

Seems like we were too late, I fell to my knees in sadness because of whoever was that.

"We have to call for help, now!" I told her. We ran outside again to the motel if anyone was there, we shouted for help and who came was Tio.

"Something wrong guys?" He asked. We explained the situation to Tio. "No way, how?" He asked.

"We saw this corpse hung up, we still don't know who it was." I said. Then, Anya came out of nowhere calling for help as well.

"Guys! Gabby is missing!" She said. Gasps came from us.

"You don't think...." Said Tio in a worry.

"We have to check, come on! I'll explain the situation later." I said.

We rushed towards the studio, but it was like magic, the corpse was gone.

"It was here! I am sure!" Said Rhatu.

"I believe you, I see a rope over there." Said Tio. No corpse, but the hanging is still there.

"It's still in the middle of the night so lets do this on our own. Split up and search for clues." Said Tio.

We all agreed and went on our separate ways, I went to the cinema to search.

"Oiya, oiya, Aila you seem well." Said Monokuma.

"Well, I'm searching for clues of a disappearing corpse and I don't have time for you." I said.

Something caught my attention at the ticketing place, a glass box had a sticker that said sold out.

"What was sold out exactly?" I asked.

" A premium tote bag, buy one you get another one for free. That's how I attract customers." It said.

"Then, who bought it?" I asked again.

"I can't tell you that! That'll spoil who the killer is!" It said.

"Wait, you knew about this?" I asked.

"Pupupu, I was at the back of you when you saw the corpse, I couldn't say anything because it would've spoiled he fun!" It said.

I left the cinema after he said that, waste of valuable time, but now I know that the bag was the tote bag from the cinema, whoever bought it is the killer.

"Let me try going back to the hospital." I said.

I walked back to the hospital, entered, then went straight to the document room. What kind of document room is a room wihout the files or documents? All the files and documents that were here are gone!

Still, I need to investigate more! So I went to upstairs to the ward upstairs.

There was a wooden floor and black curtains, strangely, no patient bed or doctor materials.

No clues at the hospital but the dissapearing files, I couldn't believe it at all, who would've done that? Who took all the files and documents?

My feet were still walking on the search for Gabby, but on my way to my next destination, I stepped on a file, that looks exactly like the one from the hospital!

I opened it, to find the name Nadia, Nadia from my school? Did it mean that Nadia? It had her picture, so it must've been her! Still, how is a file of her here? This is getting both suspicous and both mysterious.

The next thing I see is darkness my old friend, what happened? I reach to the top of the dark fog and opened both of my eyes.

I was in the middle of the street, still nighttime and my head hurts. Someone hit me on the head? Why? There was one thing that made me realise why, the file's gone! The person took the file for sure. I got up to my feet and started walking towards to the airport.

When I was there, everybody else there, literally everybody else was there.

"Why are you all here?" I asked.

"Look at that plane." Said Lunggar while pointing at a plane, it was not clear, but I saw the anonymous writing on the plane by paint, what was written was "She's here." I can tell by paint, because it was yellow.

"Oh my God, what is happening?" I said.

"Well, we tried searching for you, but we couldn't find you, so we just waited here for you. It was a stupid decision to make." Said Widya.

"While you were lost, we woke everybody else up to help us search for Gabby, I guess she must be there." Said Anya.

Chills came to my body, is Gabby really there? Dead? I am terrified, worried, feel like I'm half dead all at the same time.

"Guys, we have to see that plane." Said Rhatu.

We took our steps and walked towards the plane, we went inside, shockingly and obviously it was open so the killer wanted us to see Gabby's corpse. Fear came to me, but our feet kept walking inside the plane.

Inside the plane were plane chairs filled with what looks like things covered in blankets. We took each one off.

"None of these are Gabby, the sentence must be ly-" Said Tio but before he can complete his sentence, he pulled his last blanket, revealing our long lost Snow White, Gabby, whose skin is pale as snow.

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