Malika and Aila vs Thorn

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Today is Malika's birthday.

Say your wishes to her!

So, as the title says, lets make this Malika.

[Character: Malika]

Darkness covered my sight, but when I realised that darkness was covering, I woke up.

My surroundings were potted plants, glass and a wagon for gardening. It seems like I'm in a green house.

I managed to stand up and started to search the area. Then, I felt like a shuriken hit me, I remember what happened to me. I fell down a hole with the others after Tio fell.

"Aila! Tio! Radka! Lunggar!" I called out their names but no response.

Then, I heard a moan nearby which I began to run towards it, who then revealed to be Aila.

I shook her to wake her up, once, then twice until she opened her eyelids.

"Malika? Where are we?" She asked.

"Some sort of greenhouse. I don't know where is the exit."

Aila stood up and regained her strength, then we started walking down the greenhouse halls.

"The exit is really hard to find." Said Aila

We then see the exit in front of us, we opened it then came a field of red roses.

Beside us, was a spear and a dagger, Aila took the spear and I took what's left on the ground. Suddenly, on the center of the rose field, vines came out of nowhere, thorny vines, rising upwards.

Then, the vines went to sleeping position and came out a red haired girl wearing a green lolita dress and shoes.

"Who are you?" I asked.

"My name is Thorn, pleased to meet you."

"Hi, I'm Aila and this is Malika."

"Yes, sadly my roses are hungry, you shall have the honor of being their food." Wait what?

Vines came when she raised her hand on us. The vines binded me, but with my dagger I was able to cut through the vine, the thorns though hurt.

"You think that's it? My vines will kill you!"

"Not if I spear you!"

Aila steps forward stabbing every vine with her spear, but Thorn took something from the ground, a metal claw that was attached to a bracelet. She then charged at Aila with her claw and Aila charged back with her spear.

Spear and claw clashed, making terrible noises of injuries, it's such an unpleasant sound. What am I doing? I should be helping Aila. I pressed forward to Thorn and attacked her with my dagger.

Thorn dodged my dagger's attack and binded me and Aila with vines and throwing us at trees, hurting our backs with critical damage and pain.

Thorn walked towards me and I ran deep into the woods, where I was lost, I regret leaving Aila alone. Then, I saw Thorn, running towards me, attacking me with a claw, I couldn't just keep on running aqay so I counter attacked it with my dagger and battle started.

"You're not giving up? You're such a brave girl."

"You haven't seen anything yet Thorn! I'll show you!"

I used all my strength and force to battle thorn, dagger to claw, I managed to scar her, but that wasn't enough, she kicked me and I landed at the ground. I was cornered, I couldn't do anything.

"Any last words before I feed you to my roses?" Oh wait I forgot.

"Yeah, get speared."

"What are you-" From behind a spear came and stabbed Thorn, ending this thorny rose, I have Aila to thank, who was right in front of me.

"Thanks Aila."

"Don't mention it."

"I wonder she controlled those vines."


"That's impossible. Still, I have to admit, the vine controlling power looked like magic, so I think that this dream maze is a dream that we are all connected to."

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