Chapter32 - Not grateful

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Since I have agreed to marry Ayaan I can't help but think I need to work on my plan faster. Chief obviously isn't as into it as he was. All he can think about now is the wedding.

I hate this, I mean I get his point and I know where he's coming from but I hate the fact that this whole thing is so I can live my life peacefully and freely and now that's ruined. What's the point of all this then? Might as well accept Nuh for real and then get married and never see him again. Which ever path I chose I will always be confined and trapped. If I stay with Ayaan, I'll get rid of Nuh but still be trapped with the marriage. If I don't get married I'll be trapped anyways because of Nuh and what he did to me. I sigh deeply and pinch the bridge of my nose. Oh Allah help me!

I walk into the school building and avoid going to tutor. If I know Ayaan he will be being extra annoying today since we are getting married.

I stay outside for a bit instead of going inside. My phone rings making me jump up slightly before answering it.
"Why are you bunking school?" I hear.
"Are you stalking me?" I ask
I hear his laugh making me smile.
"Turn around and come here"

I follow what he says and walk towards him to the parking lot.
"Why are you here?"
"Really? You're worried about that! What about me! How come my little sister is fucking getting married and I just found out today"
"Maybe because it was decided yesterday"
"Ok I know I got a shitty phone but it can still receive texts ya know. And it doesn't take long to send me one"
"Sorry. I just. Don't know" I sigh.
"What's up"
"D'you know why I'm doing all this to Nuh. It's to get a better life. To finally be free from everything but now. I'm still going to be caged in any situation"
"Chill Zayna, it may seem scary but I can promise you this. It will be a lot easier then you think"
"Easy for you to say. You're practically living the dream!" I retort
"Yeah, you don't know how jealous I am of you!"
"You're jealous of me! I'm jealous of you!"
"You're the one who gets to stay with all the guys as well as sneak out and come here!"
"You're the one who's released and has an instant dream job! Don't forget you've got so many people with you by your side. Ever since you got out all you've been doing is making friends. Ibrahim, Ayaan. That Robert dude, Ashley. The list goes on"
"I'm pretty sure the list just stopped"

"Theres more and you know it!"
I huff in annoyance.
"Doesn't your religion teach you to not look at those superior to you and look at those who have less than you. To make you be grateful for what you've got" he says softly
I don't answer because I know he's right.
"Z everyone is different, everyone has their own problems. Don't judge and think they've got it better than you if you haven't even been in their shoes. Who else do you know that after they get released they get a massive house with servants and incredible amounts of money. Not us, once and if we get released were going to be homeless because we don't have any family apart from each other!"
"You don't think I'll help you" I snap.
"Course I do, I'm trying to make a point. You're very lucky Zayna, don't take all this for granted. As for the marriage, have faith in your God. I'm sure He will help you"

I sigh deeply.
"You're right. I'm sorry"
"Same here"

A silence passes us.
"So, will I be invited?"
I chuckle happily.
"You think you can get all the guys out"
"If I do, we'll probably get caught. You know the consequences for that. Plus Nuh knows us so he will get very curious"
"That fucking bastard keeps ruining everything"
"Pretty sure you've done worse to him"
"Oh trust me, I've tried my best"
"If I know you. That's more than enough"

"I really wish you guys would come"
"Hmm, maybe later"
"Yeah" I scoff

"Guess I got no choice with this marriage" I kick a stone out of my path.
"No, but like I said. Have faith, you've told me before. Everything that happens is the Qadr of Allah"
I chuckle "you remember everything don't you?"
"Duh" he grins.

"You still haven't told me why your bunking class"
"Ayaan. He's in most of my lessons and I don't want to face him since I know he's going to be a lot more annoying now that we're getting married"
"He seems an alright dude from what you've told me"
"Yeah, I guess he is. Very self-absorbed though"
"Which guy isn't"
"True, you guys ain't that bad though"
"That's because you're our little sister, we don't do stuff like that to sisters"
"Stop calling me little! You know I hate it"

He starts laughing at me.
"Come on, I wanna drop you to class"
"They'll get Chief on you"
"Chief knows" he says with a smug smile.
"Fine" I agree to him and he takes me to my Maths class.
Ayaan is sat there on my seat. I glare at him as we walk up to him but he's too shocked to notice.
"Oh my days. Don't tell me it's this Ayaan!" Daniel says grinning
"Yeah why?"
"Hey whats up dude"
Ayaan gets up and takes his hand and ends up hugging him well, patting his back once.
"Nah man I'm good" Ayaan grins
"Can't believe you didn't tell me either!"
"How are you out?"
"Forget that both of you didn't tell me!"
"Is anyone going to tell me how you know each other!" I snap
"Ayaan was jailed a few times"
"I got that. I didn't think you would know him because of that"
"Yeah well, he had a sort of image there, surprised you didn't hear about him"
"No I don't remember him at all"
"You don't remember the guy that pissed about so much the officers got tired of him"
"Oh yeah, I remember him. He's the one that made Blake almost cry" I laugh.
"Yeah, that's me" Ayaan smirks
"No joke?" I say in shock.
"Nope" he grins
"Anyways, I'm going to leave I think your teachers coming soon"
"Scared?" I challenge.
"You've asked for it" he smirks and walks to the front of the class. Everyone's eyes are on him but once he does the 'criminal' smirk they look away and stay silent.

The teacher walks in and instantly the colour is drained from his face. He looks startled and almost trips from where he's walking. Daniel leans against the front desk with his arms folded, making the huge watermelons he calls muscles pop out.
"What's up" Daniel nods to the teacher and I chuckle with Ayaan.
The teacher looks too shocked to respond.
"So you're the teacher" he asks and walks towards him. The teacher trembles and weakly nods.
"Wow, very manly aren't you"
I frown at that.
"Trembling like a wuss in front of me" Daniel tuts. He puts his hand on the teachers arm making him flinch and whimper. I raise my eyebrows, is this guy for real?

"Why so scared dude I won't do anything" Daniel assures.
"P-p-please l-leave" he musters up the courage to say
"What are you going to do if I don't" he smirks
"I'll erm. H-have to c-call the p-police"
"Really now?" Daniel smirks even more if that's possible. The teacher looks as if he will faint.

"You know you look very pale. Do you feel faint? You need water?" Daniel says, I stifle a laugh.
He grabs someone's bottle of water and pours it over the teacher, we all look in shock at him.
"Thought you'd want water"
Daniel ruffles his hair then looks back at us too and winks.
"Later Zayna and Ayaan" he walks out after patting the teacher on the shoulder.

I quickly take my seat before Ayaan and he glares at me.
"I can't believe he did that" I say to him.

"You took my seat" he glares.
"It's my seat"
"No it's not"
"Yes it is"
"No it's not"
"Yes it is"
He glares at me then smirks.

"You know, I know better than to argue with my fiance"
I glare at him more trying to burn holes in his face.
He starts laughing.

"You know if I didn't know better I'd think you were avoiding me this morning" he quirks an eyebrow expectantly.
"It's a good thing you know better then isn't it"
"So you weren't avoiding me?"
"Why would I?"
"Thought you'd get shy knowing your going to get married to me" he smirks.
I scoff "as if!"
"Is that a challenge?"
"Take it or leave it" I challenge.
"Oh I'm taking it. I bet after our wedding you will be so shy you wont be able to look at me for a whole day"
"And if you lose?"
"Not possible. I'm Ayaan Firdous I never lose"
Ayaan Firdous, he can't be related to Jamal can he? No because they met before and they didn't seem to know each other. I shake my head to rid the thoughts.
"Don't get too cocky Ayaan you'll look pretty stupid when you lose"
"Good thing I'm not going to. Anyways when I win you have to listen to everything I say for a week and say yes to everything" he smirks.
I scoff "And when you lose which you will do, you have to... Yeah you have to do the same. Listen to everything I say for a week and say yes to everything" I say already forming a list of thing he has to do for me.

"Your on"
"Get ready to lose" I say before getting up as the bell went for next lesson.

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