Quiz << Tw boys

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1) Perfect first date
A) Picnic in the park
B) Movie
C) Amusement park
D) Fancy dinner

2)First thing you look at in a guy
A) Eyes
B) Personality
C) Body
D) kind of stuff he has

3) What you do after school
A) Stay for club
B) Go home
C) Go to the gym
D) Stay for sports

4) Sport you play
A) Lacrosse
B) Soccer
C) Softball
D) Swimming

5) Future job
A) Vet
B) Law Enforcement
C) Personal Trainer
D) Model

6) What you do for fun
A) Help others out
B) Look into things
C) Exercise
D) Hobbies

7) What would you want to be
A) Human
B) Werewolf
C) Hunter
D) Kinmaria

8) How long would you want the relationship to last
A) As long as you live each other
B) Forever
C) As long as possible
D) Not permanent

9) Favorite thing to do at the amusement parks
A) Roller Coaster
B) Look at different things
C) Games
D) Walk around and enjoy

10) Favorite food
A) Mexican
B) Pizza
C) Salads
D) Steak

~If you picked mainly As you and Scott would be perfect!
~ If you picked a good amount of Bs Stiles and you would be amazing!
~ Majority rule of Cs? Yup that's Derek.
~ Quite a few Ds? That would be

Hope you enjoyed this it was my first time doing one of these so yea! Thanks for reading and doing the quiz!

P.s. I am currently taking request!❤️

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