Scott << Wedding pt.2

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Your pov-
Have the wedding Scott and you got into the car waving good bye to everyone setting off for your honeymoon. You got into a plane and head off to, Long Beach California! When you arrived you unloaded into the most beautiful little house you've ever seen on the shore of the ocean. "Scott." You squeaked running into the house. "It's beautiful!"

"Just like a little lady I know." He smiled and got the rest of your bags settling into the house. You laughed.

"I love you so much Scott."

"I love you to Y/n."
*The next Morning**Aka your Birthday*

"Y/n!" you heard from down the hall. You opened your eyes. And put on your robe walking down the cold empty hall. When you walked into the kitchen there was a giant cake. You covered your mouth with your hands and ran to Scott hugging him. "Happy Birthday baby." He smiled.

"Thank you Scotty." You giggled taking a slice of cake. After you finished breakfast and took a shower you and Scott sat in the living room watching the waves roll by in the beach in front of you. "So Scott what are we doing today?" You asked curious.

"Well today I was thinking we could maybe go to dinner and then go to the beach?" He smiled hopping you would approve the plans.

"That sounds perfect." You nodded. You ran up stairs and put on a low cut tight fitting black dress. With some black heels. You walked back out to see no Scott. "Scott?" You called out nervously. No answer you walked around until you saw a black limo in front of the house. You were in shock. Scott was in a suit and tie holding the door open for you. When he saw you his jaw dropped.

"You look wonderful darling." He whispered as you got into the car.

"Thank you." You answered back.  The mom was great Scott held you close to his chest the whole time and you listened to loud music as you looked out the window to see the beautiful view of California. On arrival at the restaurant (witch was on the beach)  two men came out taking your jacket and Scott and guiding you to a table for two in a blocked off area. You sat down and ordered your food talking about your future and the places you wanted to vist. When dinner was over you went to the beach in front of the house. You sat there in the sand holding his hand.  "Thank you Scott for everything today it's been just so amazing." You kissed him on the cheek.

"Anything for you my princess." He smiled. You felt the need to kiss him again. You leaned in and smashed your lips onto his. He instantly deepened the kiss wrapping his arms around your neck and yours around his waist.  You slowly started to move into something else and we'll THAT was the end of the night. The next morning you woke up in the bed in the house with Scotts flannel. You smiled blushing to yourself remembering the night before.

2 Weeks Later

You were back in Beacon Hills surrounded by your friends. But most importantly Scott. You bought a little house somewhat next to Derek's loft. "Scott!" You yelled. Scott ran in.

"Are you ok?" He seemed scared pulling out his claws looking around.

"Yes I'm fine but will you cuddle with me?" He raised a brow.

"Y/n two minutes ago you told me not to talk to you and to get you pickles!"

"Are you saying you don't love me enough to cuddle with me.... ok Scott." You turned and started lightly crying into your pillow.

"No baby that's not it." He got into bed with you and laid down. He put his head on top of yours.

You sat still for a few minutes then readjusted your self causing Scotts head to end up on your stomach

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

You sat still for a few minutes then readjusted your self causing Scotts head to end up on your stomach. He quickly lift his head up. "Y/n..."

"Yea?" You said smiling.

"You remember what we did on your birthday?"


"No the other thing..."

"Oh yea." You smiled.

"Well I didn't have a uh-- and I hear two heart beats!" He yelled out.

"Scott are you saying-"

"Y/n your pregnant." Nobody said anything for a few minutes.

"Are you mad?" You questioned afraid for the answer.

"No why would I be mad I'm going to be a dad!" He yelled. Scooping you up. You smiled and walked to the bathroom lifting up your shirt. You had noticed something you never saw before. A small round baby bump forming in your stomach. You looked down smiling. This was your future.
Awwww requested by Edeline9611 I hope you liked it! It was a super sweet imagine to write!

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