T-Posey << Fear Factor

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Your pov-
"Tyler you see that?" you looked at the couple attempting to get out of the water.

"Yea that's crazy!" He looks at them as the scuba diver pulls the women out of the cage. "You trust me?"

"Of course I trust you, you've never not saved me before." You laughed. You and Tyler were the celebrity couple on Fear Factor. You were nervous to do the water challenge but at the same time you were excited. The goal was to get your spouse out of a locked box under water by unlocking 4 locks.

"Babe you ready were on after this." He looked at the couple going up. It was a smaller women and her boyfriend. She put on her goggles and he went to the starting position. They began. He swam quickly to the bottom with. I problem he unlocked all the locks and the women grabbed the flag. They did it in 45 seconds. You clapped and the announcer began to talk.

"And now we have the the hottest couple in all of Hollywood Tyler Posey and Y/N Posey!" He yelled and the everyone clapped. It was our turn.

"Ready?" Tyler asked. You nodded. "Good because I've got you always have always will." He kissed your forehead and you got into the plastic box. It tasted going down and you saw Tyler vet ready on the starting line. Suddenly the buzzer went off and he jumped in you he'd your breath as he got to the box. He held his key in his hand and unlocked the first one so far so good. Then he began to unlock the second one still good. When he got to the third one he began to unlock it but dropped the key. He went to get it and you started to feel a little light headed but were still ok. You let out a little bit of air as he went up to the top. What is he doing?! He quickly came a k down and undid the third one. You slipped out of the box and grabbed the flag. You looked at the giant clock swimming to Tyler. 28 seconds. You smiled and kissed him while you were still in the water. You had won the fear factor. You got out of the water wrapping a towel around you. Reporters and the host came up.

"Y/n how did it feel when you saw Tyler drop the key?" You looked at Tyler and he pulled you next to his chest.

"I was ok and calm i knew he was going to get it and come back." You smiled. He kissed the top of your head.

"Tyler!" Another shouted. "Why did you go up and leave y/n?" He looked serious.

"I was running out of air, I had to get back fast though so I could save my girl." You blushed.

"Y/n were you afraid when he went up for air?"

"No because he has me always have always will." You quote him and smiled. More questions came but you and Tyler walked away.

"I love you princess I hope you had a good time." He said holding your hand as you two walked out to your car.

"Duh I was doing it with you my prince how could I not have a good." You laughed. You were confident in Tyler and trusted every decision he made. This is why you had no fear. Because as long as you love him and he loves you he's always going to get you out of a locked tank.
Requested by Edeline9611 I've never seen the fear factor show but it looks really cool! Thanks for the request it was really fun to write!

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