Scott << lovely

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Your pov-
"Lydia back up!" You jumped in front of Lydia attempting to save her from the oni in the room. She jumped back and one of the oni began to fight you. A punch to the lip and a few deep scratches on your chest and collar bone. After that you passed out. When you And to you were in Scotts bed. You stood up walking out to his living room where the pack was.

"Y/n your awake?" Scott asked concern in his eyes.

"Yea how long was I out?" You asked scared for the answer.

"few hours." Stiles commented looking at your lip. You felt it and instantly felt pain.

"Come here." Scott waved his arm for you to follow him. You walked into the kitchen where he picked you up and put you on the counter. "You took a pretty hard hit or two."

"Yea well Lydia was in trouble and needed help so I do what I can." He half smiled. He got something from under the counter in a drawer. A first aid kit. He stood up stand between your thighs trying to get the best angel to clean up your cuts.

"This is going to hurt ok?" He pulled out the rubbing alcohol. You nodded and he gently applied it to your lip. You flinched at the pain. "Are you alright?"

"Little pain nothing I can't handle." You laughed.  He took your hand and squeezed it. Then started to reapply the alcohol but this time you didn't feel it. Scott was taking your pain away. 

"Umm Y/n."

"Yea Scott?"

"I need you to unbutton your shirt a little so I can clean all of your other cuts..." he told you. You just nodding and undid the first 3 buttons. "Thank you." He took your hand again and started to clean your collar bone, he rubbed it and made sure that it was ok. You smiled slightly. The last cut you on was on your chest. "Are you ok if I clean that one?"

"Yes I trust you." He smiled at cleaned it. Even with Scott help with taking he pain away it still hurt a little. You looked down to see a two inch wide cut. You gasped.

"Hey it's ok."  He finished up and looked up at you. Your eyes. You blush and he notices. He grabs your face pulling you near him and he kissed you. Scott McCall is kissing you. You were unsure of what to do when he pulls away. "I'm sorry I shouldn't have done that." He looks at the floor. You pull his head back up and this time kiss himself he kisses back neither of you even attempting to pull away. Your lips moved in perfect sync. Finally you needed breath. He looks at you smiling. "You know how long I've waited to do that?" You laughed.

"You know how long I've been waiting for you to do that?" You giggled. And he shook his head. "A very long time.

"Y/n I Just- I your so beautiful and amazing you have no issue with doing the right thing even if that means you'll get hurt. I think your amazing and I, well I love you." You grinned.

"Scott did you just say you love me?"

"Yea, I did..."

"Well guess what I love you to." You smiled pulling him in for another kiss. It lasted a while until a certain someone cleared their throats.

"I was coming in to see if you needed any help but I guess not..." he said dry and walked out. You both laughed at the very awkward Stiles.

"Can we pick up where we left off?" You nodded laughing putting your forehead on his.

"I love you Scott."

"I love you too."
Requested by Edeline9611 she always has the best requests! Thanks for reading I hope you enjoyed, request are open just direct message me! 😊 Thanks again!!!

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