Scott << Arranged

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Your pov-
"Mom you cannot make me marry someone over never met its ridiculous!" You yelled.

"Oh dear it will be wonderful he's a prince and your a princess this has been arranged since the day you were born together you to will rule over the kingdom!" You mother smiled cheekily. "Plus you have a date with him tonight so you might as well be happy you get to meet him before the wedding right?" She laughed trying to make a horrible joke.

"You know what mom I need some space." You ran out of the room getting into your car and driving away into your safe place to think and blow off some steam in the woods.
Scotts pov-
"I need an anchor I don't know how long I can control the full moons this way." I was yet again tied up in basement with chains to keep me from going out of control on this full moon.

"You'll  find a new anchor don't worry but for now you just need focus on your date tonight." My dad smiled looking down at me.  I raised my brow.

"What date?" He smile fades.

"Your mother didn't tell you?" I shook my head I was very confused.

"Well you are a prince and every prince is required to marry a princess and well me and your mother found you one in the kingdom over you are to be married next week and you are going on a date tonight." He scratches the back of his neck.

"What no you can do that I can't marry a girl I just met she will mean nothing to me!" I broke the chains and stood up running away in the woods. "Great just great." I mumbled to myself. "I'm 17 and already going to be married to some girl I don't even know!" I threw my hands in the air and looked around. I saw a car sitting in the middle of the woods. Someone was in it. I listened in to hear a girl. She was crying. I got closer and could smell her emotional state. Sad and angry. I walked over and tapped on the car window. It was a girl with y/c/h and y/e/c she was really pretty. "Are you lost or need any help?"
Your pov-
"Are you lost or need any help?" He asked. He seemed so polite. You shook your head. "Forgive me for asking by why are you crying?" You patted the car seat next to you signaling for him to get in. He walked around the side of the car and got in. "So are you going to tell me what's wrong now?" You nodded.

"I'm suppose to be getting ready for a date tonight that I'm not ready for them my parents decided to make a big life decision for me that I feel is VERY unfair."

"I'm suppose to be going on a date tonight to. Don't even know the girl she suppose to be my partner by next week." He looked down at his muddy sneakers.

"Parents set you up?" He nodded. "They suck don't they." You both relaxed a little and laughed. "I uh I know I invited you into my car but what's your name?"

"Scott." He smiled putting out his hand to shake.

"Y/N." You shook his hand. You looked at the clock to see it was already 5 pm. Your date was in an hour your mother was going to be so mad at you.  He also looked down at the clock and freaked out.

"Y/N I'm sorry but I really need to go." He started to get out. "It was really nice talking to you though." He gave you a quick peck on the cheek. And left. Be really did seem nice you kinda liked him maybe even had a small crush.

~ Time jump to the date ~

You sat down at the table in a black dress with a very low cut top and some black heels. Wasn't your normal style but you had to impress your new husband right? You sat down putting the menu in your face. You heard someone sit beside you but don't bother to look up.
Scotts pov-
I sat down at the table. She didn't even bother to look up. My suit and tie seemed a little much but whatever. The only thing I could see was her body not her face and she didn't say a word. "Good evening." I spoke up. Did I really just say that?

"Hello." She said still looking into her menu. She sounded familiar. Another few minutes went by and she didn't say a word. "Look I know this isn't what either of us want but we're going to be married anyways so we might as well try and get along." She put her menu down. It was the girl from the car!
Your pov-
You put your menu down and it was the boy from the car! "Scott?!"


"Your a prince?" You raised one eye brow.

"And your a princess."

"And we're both arranged to be married?!" You both said the last part in sync.

"How did we not know?" He said looking disappointed. "How did we not put 2 and 2 together and figure this out earlier?"

"I don't know." finally waiter came. And you ordered you food. You were both silent until the food came out and you ate. At the end Scott spoke up again. "You know Y/N you look really nice, and from what I learned earlier you seem somewhat amazing I wouldn't mind getting to know you more if you want." He smiled in your direction. Yes you definitely had a small crush on him.

"That actually sounds like a good idea and if I'm going to be arranged to marry anyone I'm pretty happy it's you." You lightly and playfully punched his arm. He punched your back and payed for the bill. You both walked out and waited for your cars. When they came you got your key out. "Good Night Scott." You smiled.

"Good night Y/N he gave you a quick kiss and got into his car." You could feel something beautiful was coming out of something horrible.
This one was request by Edeline9611  I hope you all liked it, this is my first request one so I hope I did it right. Thank you to everyone who read it you guys are amazing! If you'd like You can also request one! Thanks again!

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