Scott << Lost memories

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Your pov-
"Scott Im going shopping!" You yell through out the house you two share.

"Alright babe be careful." You smiled and walked out the door.

*After Shopping*

Your smile listening to your favorite song on the radio nodding your head to the best and tapping the steering wheel as you went along. Suddenly a car came out of no where and hit the side of yours, rolling it over and pushing it to the shoulder of the freeway. Then you blacked out. You looked around the room was white and a doctor approached you and then your best friend. "Y/n Im doctor Martian do you know who this guy is?" He gestured to Scott.

"Yes that's my best friend!" Scotts face fell and he came and hugged you.

"Hey sweetheart." He half smiled.

"Hey Scotty." He held your hand. That was kinda weird for him to do. After a few minutes he walked out and the doctor stared to give you some information.

Scotts pov-
I saw my mom. "Mom!" I ran to her.

"Hey is Y/n ok?" I shook my head.

"She doesn't remember me..." she saw the pain in my eyes and pulled me in for a hug. "She thinks I'm her best friend."

"Well then she remembers that much you just have to get her to fall in love with you again." She smiled. And I just nodded I'm going to do what ever I have to.

Your pov-
A few days later you were allowed to go. Most of the time Scott stayed with you unless he had to get food or water. "Ready to go?" Scott smiled.

"Yup can't wait!" You got dressed really fast. "Okay I'm ready!" Scott grabbed you bags and took you out to a car it was pretty nice. "When did you get a new car!"

"Umm a little while ago." He smiled getting in. He drove you to a nice house it was two stories pained a pretty blue color. You got out walking into the house. You walked in and saw a huge picture of you and Scott engaged and a bunch of other photos you don't remember taking.

"Scott??" You yelled unsure of why they were all there.he ran in. "Why is there photos of me and you all over they aren't the kind of photos best friends take." He let out a big breath of air.

"Sit down please I have something to tell you." You nodded sitting down on the couch.  "Me and you were together we have been for a very long time and when you got into the accident you hit your head."  He then got up walking away. Why didn't you remember you were with Scott? Was this your And his house? And you got in a car accident was he mad? He came pack with some photo albums and sat down next to you. He opened the first one. It showed pictures of your first kiss, your first date, the same picture of the proposal. Why couldn't you remember any of it! You broke down in sobs.

"Why don't I remember any of it?" He pulled you into his chest it was warm. "I wish I could just remember!"

"Sweetheart what about we redo all of this our first kiss and our first date and everything." He smiled.

"I would like that." You agreed with him.

"Then I'll pick you up at 8" he winked. You explored the house and found your room. You automatically went to the closet pulling out clothes trying to find the perfect dress. When you found it, it was a short blue dress. It was perfect.

When it was 8 Scott knocked on the door and you came out

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When it was 8 Scott knocked on the door and you came out. He looked at you in awe.

"You know you wore that on our first date." He smiled. You blushed. "You look beautiful dear." He took your hand and took you out to the car. "Tonight's a surprise so Im not telling you were we are going."

"Okay Scott." You laughed. He took you first to the park. He had two sandwiches and some sodas. Over the date you sat and ate your food looking at the kids running by with their friends. Scott put his arm around you. You looked at him with a blank expression. He quickly removed his arm.

"I'm sorry I shouldn't have done that."

"No it's okay I liked it." You smiled. He put his arm around you again after sitting there for a little bit he cleaned up.

"Next place." He smiled. You both got into the car and he drove you to the movies. You walked in and went to a theater you two were all alone.

"Why are we the only ones here?"

"Because tonight this is your theater it's playing your favorite movie." He smiled. You hugged him and the movie began. You had lots of pop corn and soda And candy. Overall just a great time. After the movie was over you began walking down the street taking Scotts hand in yours. He smiled and held on to you tight. You saw a pet store with a lot of puppies and instantly took a liking.

"Can we go in here Scott?" He nodded and you ran in. While you were looking at the puppies Scott was doing something at the register. You looked at all the dogs and then Scott was holding one. It was a white terriers it's was adorable.

"It's your dear." He smiled handing you the dog. You smiled uncontrollably.  Then you fell to the floor and fainted. When you came to you were sitting in bed. You looked up at Scott.

"I remember."

"Remember what?"he asked.

"Everything!" You smiled. He laughs.

"Thank god I love you so much y/n!"

"I love you to!" You smiled. "But can we still do that whole first kiss thing?" He nodded and leaned in you two kissed and you felt the sparks was aways like the first time.
Requested by Edeline9611 Super cute! I hope you liked it! Thanks for reading and for send info in request!

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