Scott << Dates and Takes

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Your pov-
You looked at yourself in the mirror before your date. It's been 4 months. You could pass off a chubby right now but it was starting to grow. "Y/N! Are you ready to go?" Scott called from downstairs of your apartment.

"Yeah of course!" You yelled back slipping on your heels. You walked downstairs in your skin tight dress hoping he wouldn't notice the little weight you put on.

"You look fantastic love." He kissed you on the cheek. You lightly blushed and walked out the door and into your car. "So tonight I was thinking Chinese food?" You gave an uneasy look you really wanted some burgers right about now.

"Scott is it ok if we go get a few burgers instead?" He nodded. And started to drive to a restaurant. When you got there you sat down and ordered your food. "I'll take 3 bacon burgers and a side of fries and oh a large Dr. Pepper." She nodded and looked at Scott.

"A simple burger with cheddar cheese and easy on the tomato." You laughed he never really liked tomatoes. When the lady left Scott began to talk asking questions about where we wanted to go for Sumer break and all that great stuff. You officially had enough credits to graduate but Scott didn't so you were staying in college a little longer so you and the rest of the pack could graduate together. When your food came you completely devoured it enjoying every bite.

"Someone was hungry." Scott laughed. You smiled.

"Well I mean i didn't eat all day." You joked around. You both walked out to the car driving home. 

"That was a good date." He said holding your hand with one of his while the other was on the steering wheel.

"It was we should do that more often." When you got home you changed into some sweats and your favorite top jumping into bed. "Good night Scott." You kissed him laying your head on his arm. You put your hand on your stomach and decided you were going to tell him tomorrow. You snuggled up to Scott some more. The last thing you heard was.

"I love you Y/N goodnight."  You fell asleep for a few hours until you heard Scott on the phone. " I can't just go to Mexico now!" He seemed a little out of it. When he finished his call he looked at you. You quickly shut your eyes and pretended to be asleep. He came to the bed and lightly shook you. "Dear you have to get up if you want to go with me, Derek's missing and he's in Mexico me and the pack are going to get him we'll be back in two days do you want to come?" You nodded. "Ok lack your things. He gave you a kiss on the forehead and put pants and a shirt on. You got up and packed a bag. Getting into the car. Just as you were walking out you heard something fall on the other end of the house. Then just like that you blacked out the last thing you saw clearly was Scott and Kate fighting. When you came to you were tired up in a church. You knew it was a church based off of the looked around seeing nobody in sight. You groaned a little due to your head pounding.

"Scott!" You yelled. No reply. Maybe the rest of the pack was here. "Stiles! Liam?" Still no respond. "Kira Lydia?!" You cried out. You were really alone. you began to cry. Stupid hormones taking over you never cried only when you need serious blood work which didn't happen hardly ever. You began to plan a way out when Kate came into the room. She had water in her hand. She threw it at you and sat down.

"He has no clue does he?" She laughed.

"About what?" You snapped back defensively.

"That thing inside of you that's what." You looked to the ground. "So I'll take that as a no." She stood up walking out. When she walked out you were able to get yourself out of the chair within minutes. Before Alison passed away she made you go through all the test she did. This happened to be one of them. You started walking around the halls looking for Scott or a way out. 

"Scott?!" You whisper yelled. You could hardly see anything it was pitch black, so you turned a corner where you saw little light. When you did a giant object came at you. It went for your legs so you jumped up kicking it in the stomach. It then knocked you to the ground and hovered over you. It took out a knife and looked at you straight into your eyes. You knew those eyes. They were Scott's. This was Scott. Kate turned him into... a bezerker. He aimed the knife closer to your stomach. You began to freak out. "Scott!" You yelled . "Please don't do this." He kept going. "Please." You begged a tear falling out if your eye. "I need you." Closer. "This baby needs you. It's needs its mother and its father in its life please don't do this." You turned your face away from your body you couldn't watch. When suddenly you heard the knife drop and you saw your Scott's face. His full face. He took off the mask.

"Baby?" He asked quietly. Looking at the little increase in your stomach area. You nodded.
"Yea Scott your going to be a dad. I was going to tell you, well today." You still on the floor and him crouching down he took you and held him in your arms.

"I'm going to be a dad!" He yelled. Stiles and the rest of the pack ran in their weapons and claws out. They all turned to you and Scott.

"What?!" They all said in sync.

"Guys me and Y/N are going to have a baby." He smiled. You were happy he was happy.

"That's amazing!"
"Congrats."  You heard from around the room. You looked at stiles. He was giving Scott a thumbs up. You rolled your eyes laughing. That's the uncle of your child.

"Guys not trying to ruin the moment, but Kate's coming." A little guy about 14 said.

"Who's that?" You pointed to the kid.

"That's Derek."  Liam shot out.

"Derek? As in Derek hale?" Scott lifted an eyebrow.

"Yea he's a teen again." At that moment Kate cane through the door with two bezerkers.

"Y/N ,Derek, and Stiles get out of here we'll fight them off." You nodded and in the back ground you could see Scott and Kate fighting and the rest of the pack taking down the bezerkers. When you were finally by the car calmed down stiles. Began to ask questions. Ones you really wished he wouldn't have.

"So uh Y/N how far along?"

"4 Months." You nodded.

"It's been 4 months and Scott didn't tell me you guys..."


"Sorry." He smiled and got into his jeep as you sat on the hood. You saw Scott and the rest of the pack come out from the church. You ran into Scott's arms.

"Your not mad?" Was the first thing out of your mouth. You didn't know what else to say he just found out he was going to be a dad.

"Mad no I'm super excited this is amazing!" He kissed your forehead. "What you say we go celebrate and worry about little Derek later?" You took his hand walking him to the car. "I'll take that as a yes." He got into the drivers seat and you all went out to pizza.

______5 Months Later_______
Scotts pov-

"She's fine Scott don't worry Y/N is strong." Stiles  tried convincing me.

"I know she is I just I want to be with her but the nurses won't let me in." I frowned.

"SCOTT MCCALL!" A nurse called out. I jumped up.

"That's me!" She laughed.

"This way." She led me to a room where I saw Y/N she was holding a little pink blanket."

"Scott I want you to meet Y/D/N." I smiled uncontrollably. This was my new life. My wonderful girlfriend and our little girl. We're going to make such a great family.
OH NO UNCLE STILES. That cannot be good. 😂 😂. Requested by Edeline9611 I love doing request! Always great ideas! Anyways thanks for reading you guys are freaking amazing! Request are open if you'd like one if now I hope you enjoyed this one thanks again for reading!!

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