Scott >> In Trouble

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-Your pov-
You've been Scott's girlfriend since freshman year. This year you are both juniors and the start of the year has been great. At least it was until all of this super natural stuff with Derek came up. Someone's been turning into a kanima at night but no one knows who it is. One day Derek sends Isaac and Erica in to test Lydia In chemistry to see if she's the kanima. She passed the test so naturally Derek decided to go after her and try to kill her. To try to get more time to save Lydia Scott went out to the lacrosse field in search of Derek. He told you to stay with Allison and Stiles but you had to follow him just to make sure he wouldn't get hurt. As you follow closely behind Scott you see Boyd in the way. You couldn't hear what they were saying but you saw Scott leap off the ground and on Boyd's back they fight until Derek throws Scott off his back. "Stop Derek!" You ran to Scott's aid.

"I thought I told you to say with Allison and stiles y/n!"

"I'm sorry." You look down at Scott bleeding from his head. As you finish your sentence Derek lifts you off the ground and in the air by the throat.

"Where's Lydia!" He yells at you! You try kicking him but it doesn't work.

"Let her go she doesn't know!" Scott yells. Derek drops you on the ground. You hurt you leg.

"Then where is she!" Derek screams in the middle of the lacrosse field.

"Somewhere you'll never find her." Scott smirked and jumped on Derek. After a few moments Derek and Boyd both left. "Why didn't you listen to me when I told you to stay with stiles and Allison?"

"I didn't want to see you get hurt." He picks you up bridal style and carries you to stiles jeep.

"Thank you." He says wrapping you in a warm hug. "I love you y/n"
Sorry if that sucked it's the first one I promise as time goes on they will get better! If you have any requests please comment them and I will see what I can do. Thanks for reading hope you enjoyed!

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