Aiden << woods

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- Your pov -
You and Aiden decided to skip school and go for a walk in the woods. You both good grades, and haven't had a day to your selfs in a long time. Now you were just waiting for him to show up at your house. DING DONG.
He's here. "Good morning." You hug him.

"Good Morning, sweetheart." He smiles. "You ready to go?" You nod your head. "Let's go." You both walk out the door and get into your jeep. It was just like styles but white. When you got in you put on music. It took you about 15 minutes to get to the preserve.

"It was 9:45 school already started." He smiled.

"That's a good thing,now give me your phone." He demands.

"Wait why?" You asked curiously.

"Because this is a me and you day." You hand him your phone.

"Fine." He puts your phone in his poker and takes your hand.

"Follow me this way." You follow him. You walk through the woods for a while going in and out of trees and checking out every animal you saw. When it came to a little river you had to cross it for you to get to the other side. There was a little log you could cross over. You made it over but not with out falling in a bit. He laughs at you. You pout.

"That's not nice."

"I'm sorry." He takes you hand and you two continue walking. After a while you and him decided to take a little break by a big tree that was tipped over. "This is nice isn't it?"

"Yea it really is." You tell each other jokes and laugh with each other. "We should get up now it has to be around 1 already, and I have to be home by 3 so my brother thinks I went to school." He nods and helps you up. Then knocks you down. "Hey--."

"Shhh did you hear that?" You shake your head feeling a little freaked out. "It sounded like a round being loaded." Then the sound of a gun being fired went off. There was more than one person shooting. You ran as fast as you could until Aiden got hit with a bullet.

"AIDEN!" You screamed. He starts closing his eyes. "Open them Aiden keep them open." Derek comes running to you to. "Derek?"

"I'll explain later just help me." He put Aiden over his shoulder and took you two to a wolfs den. He slaps Aiden across the face. You wince as if you felt the pain. "Who did you make mad now?"

"A lot of people." Aiden answered him.

"Fine just stay here until I get back that bullet had wolves bane and unless I do something your going to die." He ran out of the den. You get closer and sit next to Aiden.

"Your going to be ok." You fake a smile.

"I know I have you here with me." You put your hand in his and move it near his heart. You wait and talk to him for half an hour until Derek comes back. He brings a lighter and burns the wolf bane out of him.

"I'm going to take him with me you get home before your brother realizes you didn't go to school. You nod, and kiss Aidens forehead.

"I will see you later I'll come and visit you." He faintly smiles and leaves with Derek and you go back to your jeep and drive home. When you get there your brother was waiting for you at the door.

"How was school." He asked with his arms crossed.

"Eventful." You say walk up to your room.

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