Scott << Wheres my baby?

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Your pov-
It's been 9 months since you have found out that you would be having a baby girl with Scott. It was nearing your due date. "Scott Im scared." You said as you sat in the couch.

"Don't worry dear rosella will be here soon and we'll be one happy family."

"Your right." You snuggled into Scotts side. The next few days were fine until one day you and Scott were laying down when suddenly has had a small pain. You jumped up and hit Scotts chin.

"Hey are you ok?" He asked.

"Yea it's just it hurts it's probably nothing."

"No sweetie let's go get you checked out alright?" You nodded and he took you to the hospital. When you got into the room the doctor had you sit down next to Scott. He protectively put an arm around you waist. The doctor came in began to ask you questions.

"Ok so how is the pregnancy going?"

"Good so far having some pains that's about it." She wrote something down on her clipboard.

"I see your due date is Im two days correct?" You nodded your head. "Ok well we're going to run some test then you can go home mad come back when your ready." She got up and signaled for you to follow her. She led you to the blood test room. They ran the test and everything confirmed ok. You went home.

"She sweetie two more days and were have a baby in that room." You smiled and kissed his cheek. That's when you got another sudden pain and it pulled you backwards. You yelled in pain. "She's coming right now Scott." He could tell you were in pain, so he took your hand and took some of the pain away.

"Alright let's go have this baby babe." You both got into the car and drove to the hospital. When we got there they quickly got me I to a room where they got you changed I to your hospital clothes. They told you just to yell when the contractions got worse.

"Scott Im scared." You repeated from days earlier.

"You'll be perfect and so will our little girl." He kissed your stomach. "I remember when we were told you were going to have Girl you made us go to babies R us to shop right after the appointment you were so excited."he tried to calm you down. Your ready fir this and so am I. He told you more stories and before you knew it 18 hours had passed and still no baby. A lady came in and sat in the bed next to you. The doctor noticed you were still in there.

"Excuse me but you still haven't delivered?" She asked looking at your giant baby numb.

"No still waiting." She lifted her eye brow and walked off.

"What was all that about?" Scott watched stage doctor leave.

"I don't know." You waited a few more hours and the doctor came back in.

"Sweetheart I hate to tell you this. It I don't think your ready for this baby." The doctor explained.

"Well I don't want her to be late is there something we can do to speed up the process?"

"You can have spicy food or you can do again what you did to create the baby." She smiled at you and Scott.

"Wait you mean to go to the bar?" Scott questioned.

"No i mean--."

"She means what we did after the bar." You laughed. His face got red.

"Oh I knew that." You thanked the doctor and left the room going home. When you reached home Scott started making some chili verde with extra sauce. That's how you are the next four days. All spicy food for breakfast lunch and dinner but still nothing worked. You were sitting at the dinning table when Scott came and sat next to you.

"Scott I think we need to try the other option."

"Are you sure it's not going to hurt the baby?"

"She'll be fine." He nodded picking you up and taking you to the couch kissing you sweetly. He set you down and you smiled. You really did love Scott. That's when you were suddenly sitting in a puddle. "Scott my water just broke."

"Are you sure dear?" You raised your brow.

"No I accidentally spilled a cup of water right now."

"Alright let's go." You drive back to the hospital and they knew you were in labor. They took you to the room you were previously in and did the same process. Scott called up Derek, Stiles, Lydia, Liam, and Isaac. They gathered around you.

"Were so proud of you y/n" Lydia said. You all talked when you noticed the time had flew by again it had almost been 24 hours. You were having contractions so everyone left the room and the doctor came in.

"Are we ready yet?" You shook your head. You waited more and more. 5 ladies had already come in and had their babies but you didn't.

"Is something wrong with her Scott why hasn't she come yet?"

"She's just taking her time that's all." Another contraction came and Scott took your hand taking the pain.thats when you felt her coming. You screamed and the doctored rushed in examine you.

"It's time." The doctor put on her gloves and took you to another room where you were by yourself.  "Alright push." You pushed And it hurt but he still was taking your pain. You kept pushing for 5 more minutes. "Ok last one big push." The doctor urged. You did a big push and knocked Scott in the head. He fell to the ground, and you heard a small cry. Scott quickly got up.

"That's her that's my baby!" You were happy he excited. The nurses handed her to you.

"You alright scotty?" You saw a red spot on his head.

"Yea just excited." He kissed your forehead and you kissed your babies.

"Did you have a name for her yet?" The doctor asked.

"Yes her name will be rosella." The doctor wrote it down and walked out. That's when the rest of the pack came in.

"Look it's a mini y/n." Stiles pointed out. Lydia took your hand and talked to you. As for Derek and Isaac they just talked about how cute she was. It's always. Even joked that Liam was your son so you decided to use it as a joke.

"Here's your little sister Liam." You laughed. He laughed also grabbing the baby from your arms. Scott walked away and pulling something out of his jacket and he stepped next to you and got down on one knee. Stiles gave him a thumbs up and you looked at Liam who was still holding your baby. You covered your mouth.

"Y/n you are the love of my life and now together we have a child and I love you so much I couldn't imagine life with out you so y/n y/m/n will you marry me." You began to cry again.

"Yes yes of course." He slipped the ring on your finger and Lydia took pictures. Liam handled you rosella back and the doctor came back in with the birth certificate. 'Rosella McCall." You three took a picture, your first picture as a whole family.
This request was for the lovely Edeline9611 ! I hope you all enjoyed it I thought it was a cute story line☺️. Thank you all for reading!

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