What Now?

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3rd POV:

"Wait, hold on," Jeff said shocked, "You are Silent Swan. The one who was able to kill 80 people in under 30 minutes?"

Silent nodded her head and flipped a page in her magazine. The moon light bounced off the sparkles on her face and her lavender hair fell beautifully. Jeff and Jason sighed in unison.

"Well come on. You need to meet someone..." Jason said already moving.

"If it's No-Face, I'm fine." Silent snapped. Her stares from behind her mask were almost visible yet far away for the naked eye.

Jason stopped in his tracks. Wide-eyed and mouth open, he stared at the assassin. He opened his mouth but quickly shut it after a few sqeaks.

'She knew Slender... How is she not dead yet?' Jeff thought while eyeing Swan suspiciously.

"Oh you know. We were good friends until I left. I wasn't mad at him, I was mad at his 'family'..." Swan said unexpectedly. Well shit, she reads minds... Nice... "Oh will you stop with the over thinking Jason? You're giving me a migraine!"

Jason lowered his head and clenched his fists tightly but soon released. He looked up at Swan and began walking forward. Step... By step... Once he made it in front of the tree, he began climbing it reaching Swan's branch. Swan stared at Jason. Jason stared at Swan. In the blink of an eye, Jason had Swan's mask raised and his lips smashed on hers. Swan just gasped but pulled away roughly and smacked Jason off the branch with a loud slap! Jason, now on the ground floor, had a hand over his purple bruised cheek, while smiling.

"We missed you..." He softly said as Swan got inraged.

"I don't know who you are talking about and I don't give a damn! Kiss me and expose my face like that one more time and I will -on my life- chop you off into pieces. Got it asshole?!" Swan yelled fiercely with two swords by her side.

Now you can see a red glow from the left eye and a bright purple from her left eye behind the mask. Swan's hands began turning to blue orbs. She sheathed her swords and clenched her still blue fists. At inhuman speed, she ran at Jason and punched him... With an invisible force? Jason grunted and wiped blood off his mouth, wounded. Jeff immediately took action and stepped in the little battle before anyone out of hand.

"Please don't," Jeff mumbled amused.

The assassin calmed down hesitantly. Her blocked eyes show no glow and the blue orbs disappeared. Swan backed up and began walking the opposite direction.

"Where... Where are you going?" Jason asked panting a little.

"To meet some 'people'... Your people..."

After Ten Minutes:

Swan walked up to an old mansion door, with Jason and Jeff behind her. They looked like lost dogs for a moment. She knocked on the door and awaited Slender to open up. Instead, a medium high midget in green opened up. He has bloody eyes, pale skin, yada yada yada.

"Hey babe. You lost?" He asked with a sly grin on his face.

"Slenderman. Now." Swan ordered, ignoring Ben's perverted ass..

Hey! My ass is NOT perverted!

No it is. Wanna know why? Because with every pervert, comes an ass. And what happens when you put perverted and ass together? You get perverted ass! Did that go through your pee brain or do we need to go even more dumber?

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