The phone call

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*beth's pov*
"Hey Perri! Yes I'm still coming this weekend but I'm still unsure about details? I'm so excited though!" I sent a message back to him and with in minutes I had a reply.
"We're all excited to see you again too! We planned for you to be at the studio by about 9:30am so then you would spend a whole day with us at the studio?" I stared at my phone screen wondering what to reply as there was no way I would be able to get there for then as I would have to catch 3 buses. I felt so rude but I had to tell them.
"9:30am is a bit early for be just because I have to catch 3 buses to get there, sorry. The earliest I could be there is around 11am?"
"Do you want me to pick you up then? That might be an easier option for all of us?"
"Oh no I couldn't let you do that! I'll be fine catching a bus I'll just leave earlier."
"No I insist. It's no problem what so ever! On Friday if you message me your address we can arrange a time and I'll come pick you up!" I couldn't thank him enough for offering, this made me so much more excited!
"Thankyou so much Perri!"

Before I knew it, it was Friday. I'd definitely say Friday was my best day when it came to lessons; media, pe and to finish off the day, double lesson of dance! Louise is in all my lessons today which I was so happy about as I wanted to talk to her about tomorrow! I was so excited that everyone was questioning me why I was so happy because apparently that was unusual, rude!

The bell rand for the end of the day and I literally sprinted home. I needed to pack for tomorrow as I knew it would be a long day. As I got back I messaged Perri my address and he decided to pick me up for 8:30am. I was too busy packing that I didn't realise I had 3 missed calls from an unknown number. As soon as I saw the notifications I called the number back.
"Hello? Who is this?" I questioned as the person at the other end picked up the phone.
"Have you finished day dreaming yet?" I could here them sniggering
"Tom? Wait how did you get my number?"
"Off a friend? Any ways I over heard you and Louise talking about what's happening tomorrow."
"And..." I was so scared to hear what he had to say.
"You really think diversity actually think you're a good dancer? They probably just feel bad that you've been training for so long and are still not good enough. That's why they want a whole day with you to see if they can fix you" fix me? What did he mean by fix me? I didn't reply to what he just said, I sat there in silence until he spoke again.
"Everyone knows what happened back in year 9, don't try and forget it! And then you claimed dance was the only thing that accepted you; please no one wants to hear you're sob story anymore! You're just pathetic and even miss says that. Yes I heard what she said when you went to go collect your phone and I'm glad she did as everyone else was thinking it! Face it you're just not good enough!" And with that he hang up. I didn't know what to do, what to say, what to think. I felt a tear roll down my cheek, another following. It's like everything I have worked for was just taken from me; my confidence, my hope, my dreams, everything. I sat there for the rest of the night in silence until I fell asleep.

Was he right about diversity? No he couldn't be! They were such nice people! But am I good enough? I knew I wasn't and now with my confidence being shattered, how was I ever going to survive tomorrow without looking stupid?

A ticket changed my life (diversity story) Where stories live. Discover now