Chapter 80 ~Epilogue~

Start from the beginning

The closer you got, the faster your heart beat. The unique silvery-white of his saggy hair, his pale complexion and his breathtaking blue eyes that blazed like the stars at night brought back so many memories. The first time the two of you met, the time how he taught you to skate, the time he helped you build a snowman... to the first time the two of you kissed. You could still feel the cool, sweet sensation of his lips lingering on yours.

When Jack tore his gaze from the grassy ground where he'd been looking at from the time you'd saw him there, a wide grin crossed his perfectly-featured face. His smile, the same smile that was always so contagious and ridiculous. The smile that was one of the many things that made you fell in love with him.

"Hi." He grinned and you tackled him in a bear hug in response to his greeting. He laughed and you hadn't realized how much you'd missed it.

You missed everything about him, from the way he said your name to the way he smirked at you when he was up to some of his regular mischief, he was a living, breathing reminiscence of the past that you so desperately want to be reminded.

"I've missed you so, so much." You mumbled, your arms wrapped tightly around his shoulders. His arms gently pulled themselves around you, hugging you back. "I missed you too, (Y/N)."

"Where have you been?" you inquired once the two of you had pulled away. "Where did you go after what happened with Marcus back at the cave? God, I've been worried sick!"

Jack's expression was apologetic as he replied, "I went back Stockholm to check on your parents, I thought you would've wanted to know how they were."

Your parents, if Jack hadn't even brought up the subject of them, you were sure that you wouldn't have even remembered it. You cringed at the realization. You're a horrible daughter. Even with all the things that happened, it didn't matter big or small, you should've remembered the well-being of your own parents!

"H-how are they...?" your voice was a weak whisper.

Jack took a moment to think his answer then nodded slowly. "They're doing... alright, they're worried about you though-"

Oh god. I am such a terrible person...

"But I handled it," he smiled. "Slipped them a letter that you're safe and alive."

You let out a faint sigh and shut your eyes for a second. "Thank you so much, Jack..."

"You're welcome." He said, but paused. "But that's not the only reason why I'm here."

You pulled your head up, meeting Jack's mesmerizing gaze halfway. He took a step towards you and held out his hand that he'd just shoved into his blue jumper's pocket. Your eyes fell onto his hand which was clenched into a fist. "I came to give you this."

He then unclenched his hand and revealed a sparkling white necklace with a snowflake-shaped pendant. You reached a hand out to touch the glistening pendant and the material of it surprised you, it felt cool... yet soft... like an actual snowflake.

"It is a real snowflake," Jack said as though he'd heard your unspoken thoughts. "But, it's a little bit more special," he moved around you so he now stood closely behind you, he held the snow-white chain of the necklace in front of your neck with both hands, carefully placing it on you and clasping the back. "It will never melt, it lasts forever."

Once he was done putting it on you, you turned around to face him and his familiar smirk appeared across his face. "Or as long as I want it to."
You couldn't help but beam and playfully shove him, making the two of you laugh. But the laughter soon died down when you thanked him for the gift.

His smile faded and the softness in his eyes grew. Reaching his hands out, he cupped your face in his hands. He leaned in so his nose brushed yours. The small tingly sensation on the tip of your nose from Jack's contact made you giggle. He smiled. "I love you, (Y/N). But you know that already."

You parted your lips, your eyes boring into his crystal blue ones. "I love you too..."

He nodded. "I know, which is why I need to tell you that I'll wait for you." He murmured against your lips, causing a shiver to run down your spine. "I know that you feel the same way about Hiccup too, so I can't possibly make you choose. I love you, (Y/N), and I want you to be happy.

"And if it means that I have to wait, I would gladly do so. Because I will never love anyone like I have ever loved you, (Y/N)." he finished. Tears were stinging your eyes, threatening to fall out.

"But..." you trailed off. "That could take years."

"One of the perks of being immortal," Jack smirked. "I can wait."

You shook your head. "You wouldn't want me after all those years."

"(Y/N), no matter what you look like in ten, twenty or even fifty years! I will always see my best friend that I'd fell in love with so many years ago." He said and this time, you allowed the tears to roll down your cheeks, wetting your face. "I love you, and I will wait for you even if it takes an eternity."

You laughed, but it came out more like a croaked sob. "I don't think I can live that long."

Jack wiped the tears from your cheeks with his thumb and lifted your chin up so he gaze greeted yours again. "We'll figure that out when we get there."

Then he kissed you, a kissed that filled you with passion, love and sweet memories and familiarity.

When the two of you finally broke away, Jack gave you one last kiss on the forehead before saying your 'Goodbyes'. You two went your separate ways after that, he had to go back to bringing snow and joy all over the world while you had to go back to Hiccup.

It took about ten minutes or so until you'd got back to the village and Hiccup was rushing to you when his eyes caught you in the distance. You erupted in laughter as he spun your around and held you tight in his safe, warm arms.

"So, how did it go?" he asked as he kissed the top of your head. "Did you tell him that I'd said 'Hi'?"

You froze for a moment; you've completely forgotten to mention Hiccup to Jack. "Um... yea, he... he said that was really nice of you..." you lied terribly and almost cringed but refrained from doing so as Hiccup had seemed to buy the lie.

"Look! Look!" a kid's voice shouted in glee as he pointed up at the sky.

Both you and Hiccup looked up to see pure white snowflakes falling from the cloudy sky. "Hmm, I wonder why it would start snowing in mid-fall...?" Hiccup teased.

"I have no idea." You smiled as the whole village came together to marvel at the sight of the strange change of weather in the wrong season.

So this is how it all ends, huh? Just a few months ago, you were just a normal girl, moving to Sweden with her parents and the next moment, you were thrown into this new, beautiful, magical world where you've experience friendship, lost, and love. They say you only get one great love in your life, but you got two whose hearts will forever be tied to yours and no amount of hate, villains or evil dragons can ever break that.

Sparks Fly ~Jack Frost X Reader X Hiccup~Where stories live. Discover now