Chapter 33

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Dear Father,

Thank you for providing me with a roof over my head. You raised me to be an independent woman, maybe because you were never there. I grew up alone and depressed, look where it got me. I spent two months in rehab because of an eating disorder. You made me feel so bad about myself.

But I have Zayn. He makes me feel amazing. He saved me and he loves me like you never could. He will protect me. So I'm leaving. I'm living with Zayn. I'm getting a job. I'm continuing to study hard at school to get into university. I have decided I want to become a health psychologist. I want to help people like myself and give them a better future.

This is my better future. It feels like I have confessed a lot in this letter. I'm stronger and braver now.

These are my confessions, from a little rich girl you never loved.


Zayn's POV

I glanced across at the sleeping beauty in the passenger seat. We were driving to my flat and Jade had managed to fall asleep in the short ten minute drive. She looked so beautiful and peaceful, even though I know she is very stressed about this and she is anxious about her father's reaction. The poor girl must be exhausted.

I continued driving along the highway to my flat. I had spent ages tiding it to make room for her. Suddenly my phone rang.

"Hello" I answered through Bluetooth.

"Zayn its Yasser" Dad spoke.

"Dad" I corrected him. I knew how badly Jade wants us to reconstruct our broken relationship. Her Father is about to disown her and her Mother never stands up for herself so she barely has a family. With my Mother dead, Yasser and Demi may be the only family we ever have.

"Zayn Demi was kidnapped. A note was left and it had three words on it." Dad cried.

"Oh my god!" I cussed. My heart was ripping out of my rib cage. My gut told me this was bad.

"Have you called the police?" I asked him. I was yelling now and I could sense Jade was awake. I pulled of the road and parked the car.

"Zayn it said they want you" Dad confessed.

"What were the exact words?" I growled, not at Yasser but at my conscience. I knew exactly what this was.

"I want Zayn - Simon" Dad confirmed my suspicions. "Shit" I cursed.

"Who is Simon and what will he do to Demi?" Dad demanded, his voice shaking.

"Simon is a gang leader. He will want me to work for him in exchange for Demi." I told him.

"Zayn please," Jade chimed in. "I don't want you to join a gang" She begged.

"I don't want that either. Your life of crime is over now. Don't make the same mistakes" Yasser warned.

"Paul will help me get Demi back without working for Simon" I said. Paul and the boys were always there for me.

"Dad I'll work something out. Demi won't get hurt, I promise" I promised Yasser before hanging up.

"Please be careful Zayn," Jade begged sleepily. I pulled back onto the road and continued driving.

"Jade the boys will be able to rescue her. Harry is very good at planning rescues. It won't be the first time this has happened. Gemma was kidnapped by Simon years ago," I told her.

"So Demi will be ok?" Jade questioned. "Yes. But it's you who needs keeping safe" I told her.

I pulled up the driveway and started carrying boxes in. "Go inside and sleep baby. I will bring these in and then call Paul" I told her. Jade nodded and walked into my bedroom.

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Please read my Larry Stylinson fanfic "Don't let me go" and my completed Niall one "Right Now"

Also get excited for a new Vampire story called "Dawn of the Legend" Add it to your library xoxox

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