Chapter 20

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Dedicated to 1DKylieMalik1D. Thanks for that amazing comment :) Made my day xoxo

Thanks for reading love

Harry’s POV

“Zayn” I said, trying to snap him out of his thoughts.

“Huh?” Zayn asked. “I asked you if you were one hundred percent in.” I replied. I needed to know. We owe this much to my Dad.

“Yes I’m one hundred percent in” He replied. “Good because I have the first delivery” I told Zayn quickly.

“Wait I thought we were just opening the place?” Zayn questioned. “Not anymore. Paul needs one delivery to a house about a block away” I continued.

“Harry is there something you are hiding from me?”  Zayn spoke, venom in his voice.

“Zayn what’s the difference. Before we would open windows and doors to let people in to steal or deliver drugs. Now we open the place and put a delivery in.” I said matter of factly.

“What are the other boys coming for?” Zayn questioned. I knew he would ask that.

“It’s a highly secured property” I trailed off. “Who lives there?” Zayn questioned. I could sense his fear.

“People who work for Mr Hawke in Paris” I replied. I could read Zayn like a book. All I saw was pain though.

Zayn’s POV

“Harry tell me right now why?!” I screamed, not caring if police were called.

“Zayn calm down” Harry said softly. “You remember when Jade was kidnapped?” Harry continued.

“Yes” I growled. “These men were behind it. They are traitors and also they double crossed Dad.” Harry finished.

“Let’s get them shut down” I growled. “We will. But the one condition is Jade must be kept safe.” Harry said.

I would do anything for Jade’s safety.


It had been a week since I knew what we were doing. Five days since Louis, Liam and Niall arrived. Four days since I last saw Jade.

We had been staying at a friend of Pauls, discussing our plan. To the boys it was about serving Paul as we had many times before. To me it was much more personal. These are the guys that tried to kidnap the girl I love. These are men that doubled crossed not only Paul but Mr Hawke.

Although Jade has little to do with her father, I still feel resent for these men. I feel so many emotions. And expressing them is something I can’t do. For days on end Jade has called me. Totally unaware of me leaving. I told Alexis to look after her.

“Zayn you ohk?” Niall asked. “These fucking emotions!” I screamed.

“Look Zayn I know you’re not good at expressing them, so write it down” Niall suggested.

“Even better you could write Jade a letter” Liam suggested.

“That’s a good idea” I smiled back at the boys who had become my brothers.

Dear Jade,

I’m sorry for a lot of things in my life. I’m sorry I had to leave without notice. I should tell you about my dark twisted past. I will understand if you never want to see me again.

My mother left when I was born. Dad and I had no money. It was hard and Dad was lonely. When I was 7 his girlfriend had a baby girl but didn’t stay around long. Only long enough for Demi to be named. Just after my 10th birthday Dad asked me to pack up my small amount of belongings. A lady from church drove me to London. I thought it was a holiday but instead I was sent to a foster house where I lived until I was 12.

I hated my Dad now. I think that was the start of my rough bad boy behaviour. I wanted to prove I was better than Dad so I slept around. At 12 I applied for St Ive’s and got in. I was getting too old to stay in the foster home.

Then I met Harry. He offered me a job, picking locks and getting into houses. The deal was I would work for his father Paul, get shelter and fed. He would disown me and the rest of the boys at 15 and buy us a flat if we didn’t tell anyone.

I guess life just got fucked. But I need you to know I would do anything to save you. What I’m doing right now is helping you baby.

Jade I can’t describe my love for you. I’m not romantic but I remember all our dates. I’m glad you have beaten anorexia and I hope you realise how beautiful you really are.

I know now you can see how bad and fucked I am but I will do anything for you and I hope thats enough for you to want me still.

Love Zayn xx

A/N Thanks for reading. Finally Zayn tells Jade everything about his past. But does Jade accept it?....

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