Chapter 26

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Zayn’s POV

Plane 797 from Paris to London crashed. My heart shattered into 1000 pieces.

I kept re-reading it. Surely it must have been another plane. That flight had only been going for 30 minutes.

I remembered the ticket that they wouldn’t let me use as the plane was full.

Air England 797 Paris – Stop over in Germany – London – September 4th

My heart shattered as I knew it was true. I broke down then and there. Crying and screaming on the airport floor. I remember security walk up to me and then I blacked out. Numb with pain that my beautiful Jade and our best friends Lexi and Harry’s plane had crashed. How could I lose my best friend, his girlfriend, the unborn baby and my fucking girlfriend in a matter of seconds?


I woke up in hospital. “Mr Malik?” A doctor said walking in. “That’s me” I said. “Your body went into traumatic shock. It started shutting down but you were resuscitated” The doctor told me.

“Wait what day is it?” I asked. “Tuesday September 18th” The doctor replied. “It’s been 2 weeks?!” I screamed.  “Mr Malik, please calm down. Your body was refusing to come out of shock.” The doctor told me.

I started crying again. Had the bodies been found and buried without me getting to say my last goodbye?

“Mr Malik a psychologist will come soon and you have to talk to him about what has but your body into such a severe state of distress” the doctor told me as he left the room.

A short woman walked into the room soon after. “Hi I’m Nikayla and you must be Zayn” She said. I nodded.

“Would you like to tell me what happened at the airport?” She asked. “My girlfriend, her best friend, my best friend and their unborn child were in a plane crash” I sobbed.

“Was that 797 the most recent one?” She asked me. I nodded. I didn’t want to look at her, so I took in the surroundings of my small hospital room. It was blue and there were 2 bunches of flowers sitting on my bedside table. I opened the little card inside them to find they were from Louis and another bunch from Liam and Niall. I smiled knowing my 3 best friends were alive.

“Zayn those flowers were sent from Paris but the boys have left now” Nikayla told me. “They are beautiful. Jade would love them” I told her.

“Do you think Jade could still be alive?” I asked. “There is always a possibility. There were survivors but Zayn I think she would have tried and got contact with you or someone else” Nikayla whispered the last part. I felt another hot tear run down my cheek.

“What are their names? I can call customs and see if they were survivors” Nikayla suggested.

“Jade Hawke. Harry Styles and Alexis Barr.” I told her. Nikayla nodded and left me alone in the room to gather my thoughts. I looked down at the IV drip in my arm. I grabbed in and pushed it in further, creating a burning sensation to soar through my body. Self harm. That’s what it was. I know I helped Jade get through it but without her I turned to it.

I circled the needle around more. Blood trickled down my arm and onto the sheets. My purpose in life was over. I didn’t know what to do. I felt so empty and alone. I stabbed the needle in further. Blood began to pour faster and I started getting dizzy with blood lose. What did it matter? I pulled the needle back out, only to jab it in again. My body was numb.

I finally understood why Jade used to cut. It’s a release. I saw Nikayla walk in and her face went pale as she screamed for help. I shut my eyes no longer able to keep them open. All I needed was Jade Hawke to keep me alive. I fucking love her. She is the only one who could save me.

But of course Jade wasn’t here.

Please VOTE COMMENT SHARE! My readers mean so much to me. I love you all. Please stay strong. This is my favourite chapter probably ;)

Read my other 2 fanfics “Right Now” and “Don’t Let Me Go”


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