Chapter 19

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Dedicated to my amazing reader harryissexystagram thanks so much love xoxo

Jade's POV

I stared at Zayn through the revision mirror. All I saw was the blank expression on his face and darkness in his eyes. "Take a picture. It lasts longer" Zayn growled. I tore my eyes from the mirror and looked down at my lap.

"Is everything alright Zayn?" I questioned. Nothing had seemed right since I arrived back in Paris. We confessed our love once.

"Fine" Zayn stated. I decided not to push him further. I can't lose Zayn, not now. I thought I had everything before. But money and fake friendships are nothing. What I have with Zayn is real. At least I thought it was. That message Harry showed him had done something.

"Jade you gunna get out?" Zayn snapped me out of my thoughts. I mumbled a yes before clambering out of the car and rushing into the hotel.


I stepped into the shower and let the warm water sooth my whirling mind. I needed to know what set Zayn off. I let the water run over my body as I formulated a plan. I need to see the message so I have two options. Steal Harry's phone or steal Zayn's phone and ask Harry to forward the message to him. Both sound simple enough.

A knock on the door caused me to pull back to reality. "I'm meeting Harry" Zayn said.

I turned the water off and grabbed a towel. Since Zayn had left I could find his phone. I ran around the hotel room searching but he must have taken it. I gave up and got dressed in my pjs and sat on the couch deciding my next move. Talking to Zayn wasn't an option with him so edgy and distant.

I grabbed my laptop to check tumblr only to find it flat. I grabbed Zayn's hoping he wouldn't mind. I waited for it to turn on. His desktop was a picture of himself and Niall on a boat. I smiled when I saw how sexy shirtless Zayn looked.

I opened to internet to find Zayn already had a few tabs open. Curiosity got the better of me and I looked on each one. Flight details to Paris was the first. That made sense. The second one was a Google search on Paul Higgins.

Paul Higgins. Ex professional boxer who lost his career in 1986 because he started drugs. Higgins remains rich and fosters children every year. He then sends them to St Ive's College in London....

Paul is Harry's Dad. But why would Zayn search him?

Zayn's POV

"Harry?" I called down the alley way, questioning the figure standing in the shadows.

"Zayn is that you?" Harry called.

"Yes it is me" I replied.

"I don't know what to do" Harry moaned. I walked up to him and gave him a small smile. I didn't know what to do either. "Did he ask Liam, Niall or Louis?" I asked Harry. "Yes the boys are flying to Paris tomorrow morning" Harry confirmed. I stared down at the ground.

"Harry" I spoke softly.

"Yes" Harry's raspy voice said.

"I thought we had been paid out" I mumbled.

"There was always the odd chance" Harry stated.

"This was meant to be an English trip. I need to get a good job for a secure future" I groaned. "We all think the same" Harry replied.

"But it's my Dad and what he did for you boys should be enough for you to do this" Harry said.

"I will do it. I don't know how though" I mumbled.

And how would I tell Jade. Or would I tell her..?

Thanks for reading xox

Love you all so much you mean the world to me xx

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