Chapter 7

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Wattpad decided to delete half my story :( crying because i've lost all my reads and votes. If I get 20 reads on Chapter 6 & 7 and 20 votes chapter 8 will be put up xx

Jade’s Pov

“Zayn they um did something” I muttered

“Jade what did they do?” Zayn growled

“He kissed me and hit me and..” I trailed off.

The look in Zayn’s eyes was scaring me. A mixture of rage and hate with a hint of sorrow.

“Jade” Zayn’s voice was soft and smooth this time.

I looked at him for awhile, just staring into his hazel eyes. Zayn wrapped his arms around me and held me.

“I would do anything to keep you safe Jade. I care” he said softly, rubbing circles on my back.

I held him tightly, not wanting to be let go. I inhaled his scent, a mixture of vanilla, cigarettes and alcohol. An intoxicating formula I couldn’t get enough of.

“You have had a rough night babe, just go to sleep” Zayn whispered in my ear as he released me from his arms. I didn’t need to be told anything else as I curled into Zayn’s warm bed. I felt Zayn get in beside me and his arm snake around me, as I drifted off to sleep. “You’re safe now” was the last words I heard.

Zayn’s POV

I watched her in this pleasant state. How fragile she looked. How skinny and vulnerable she was right now. I took in every detail of her tear stained face. My eyes wandered down her perfect figure. My hazel orbs settled on her arms as my breath hitched in my throat.

Fresh cuts. Scars. Her wrist was covered in physical pain. Maybe this explained why she always wore bracelets. I traced my finger over her cuts as her body tensed in her sleep. Emotional pain.

From the moment I met her I knew she was different, hiding a secret. But this was worse than I thought. My gaze moved to her defined tummy. Her ribs sticking out. There was nothing of her. Although I had seen her in a running crop top before I wondered as to why it was only now I noticed.

I kept observing her honey coloured body, down to her thighs. Her shorts covered them, but I knew better. I slightly lifted the cotton fabric to reveal more cuts and scars. Deeper this time. I looked away from her thighs not wanting to see anymore. There were a lot of cuts considering how tiny her legs were.

I held her tight and made a promise to myself. I would save Jade from everything.


“Morning babe” I said to Jade. She smiled.

“Good morning Zaynie” Jade giggled. I held her closer to me.

“Jade why do you cut?” I asked. I felt her body freeze next to me as she tried to hide her wrist but i grabbed it. I looked her dead in the eyes.

Jade’s POV

He knew. I wouldn’t be surprised if he saw the ones on my thighs too. Surprisingly I wasn’t ashamed of myself.

“Jade please stop, you are beautiful.” He said.

I smiled as he kissed my wrists. “Zayn I don’t know how to tell you everything” I whispered.

“Please try” he said.

I took a deep breath and let my mind wander back to the beginning.

“When I was younger...”

A/N:  thanks for reading x this is dedicated to anyone who self harms. You are beautiful. Stay strong. <3

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