Chapter 3

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Jade's POV

Mama told me not to waste my life
She said spread your wings my little butterfly

Don't let what they say keep you up at night
And if they give you shhhh...
Then they can walk on by

The lyrics to wings by little mix woke me up. 7:20 on a Monday morning. I got up and got in the shower, letting the warm water sooth my body. It was refreshing. I lathered coconut scented soap on my body, I loved feeling clean and refreshed.

I blow dried my long damp locks. I put it in a messy bun. I quickly applied my bare minimum of makeup and slipped my uniform on. I don’t know who designed it but it was horrible. Red tartan skirt with white shirt and grey tights. Also a grey bowtie and black shoes. I hated it with a passion.

I checked my phone as I descended down the stairs ready for breakfast.

Zayn: Can’t wait for our private lessons ;) x

I rolled my eyes. If he thought he could make me become another of his girls he would be in for a surprise. I wasn’t an ordinary girl, and I don’t let anyone into my life.


“Jade” Britt’s loud voice called as I stood at my locker. I put on my happy smile and turned around, instantly being swallowed in a hug.

“Britty babe it’s been so long” I sighed, two whole day’s without my best friend. A lot had happened. Stuff I couldn’t tell her. If people found out about Zayn my reputation would suffer. Together Britt and I walked off to our first class, art. Heads turned in our direction as usual when we walked past.

I took my usual seat in art, only today I noticed Zayn was in my art class. It made sense as this was senior art, it just shocked me. Zayn must have noticed me staring at him because he winked at me. He smirked as I rolled my eyes. I knew Zayn’s type. Man whore bad boy. I didn’t want him ruining everything.

“Today I want you to paint something deep. An emotional piece.” Miss Davies told the class. Instantly my mind was a whirl. Do I paint the emotions of the real me? I decide against that. Jade Hawke was a happy girl, I told myself as I began splashing bright pink and orange across the page. I was having a lot of fun. I painted swirls and smiley faces.

“How come I’m the only one who smells bullshit?” Zayn’s raspy voice said from behind me. I jumped in fright.

“What are you talking about?” I challenged him, looking him dead in the eyes.

“Jade you have everyone fooled but me. The secrets in your eyes” Zayn smirked.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about” I gulped as his hazel eyes burned into mine. He was the first person ever to work this out and I don’t know how he did it.

“I won’t tell anyone your secret, you can trust me” Zayn said looking deeper into my eyes. I just nodded, unable to form words.

“Jade we all have secrets, hiding them never helped anyone” Zayn said before walking off.

I was still shaken up when the bell rang. I ran out to my locker, where I found Lily already waiting.

“I haven’t seen you all day” She gushed. I smiled pulling her into a hug. I just wanted this day over. That’s when I remembered I had to see Zayn tonight.

I pulled out my phone. French nails tapping away franticly.

Jade: Don’t bother about tonight.

Zayn: I’m helping you and YOU WILL show up.

Jade: Fine but English is the only topic we discuss!

Zayn: Who knows babe ;)

I put my phone away. Only a few hours until I have to face him.


The bell rang loud signalling end of the day. “Jade we need a shopping spree now” Lily squealed. “Um I’m busy” I said walking off to the English room. The sooner it starts the sooner it ends. Or so I thought.

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