Chapter 27

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Zayn’s POV

I woke up in a hospital bed, connected to so many life saving devices. My mind flooded with memories: My self harm and most importantly the loss of Jade. I glanced at the calendar. I’ve been here for 3 weeks now.

“Zayn. You have a visitor” The doctor told me. My heart fluttered in hope when I heard this. Dad and Demi entered the room. “Zayn I know you don’t want to see me but please listen” He started.

I nodded. “Jade got off the plane in Germany. She wasn’t in the crash” Yasser explained. Tears ran down my face with the news. “Where is she” I asked.

“By the time she got out of customs for getting off in the wrong country she came to Paris. Only to find you had self harmed yourself to sleep. She was so distraught her father was flown in from London” Dad trailed off.

“I can almost guess the rest” I spat. Not at Dad but at Mr Hawke for taking Jade away from me.

“She is in London and has been forbidden from talking to you” Yasser said.

“But there is always a loophole” Demi smirked. “Jade sent this letter to me” Demi continued.

I smiled remembering the time I sent Jade the letter when she was in rehab. Now she was sending me a letter while I was in hospital

Dear Demi. If this is the only way I communicate with Zayn then let it be.


I miss you. Yasser should have explained why I am back in London. My Dad deleted your number and now I have no way to text or call you. I have been forbidden to see you.

Once you are back in London I know we will find a way. I’ll sneak out and see you at school. My parents are not even with me at the moment. They are both spending the month in New York.

If there is a will, there’s a way. I know we will get through this and be together forever. Because they can’t stop true love.

I love you so much.

Jade xx

Tears fell onto the paper. She was alive and that was the main thing.

“When can I fly home?” I asked Dad.

“We are all going home in a week Zayn” Demi said.

I smiled happily at the thought that I would see my princess. One way or another I would hold her in my arms. I fucking love her.

Jade’s POV

“Hi Mum” I sniffled into the phone. “How are you?” She asked.

“I miss Zayn” I sobbed.

“Sweety I know. I’ve tried talking to your father and explaining everything” Mum told me.

“Jade when we are back I want to formally meet him” She continued.

“Really?” I smiled. “Yes he seems good for you” Mum told me.

“Jade I love you” Mum said.

That was the first time she had said those words in a long time.

“I love you Mum” I replied.

“I know you will be ok.” She told me.

“I need Zayn” I sobbed before hanging up...

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