Chapter 15

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A/N   it is exam time for me but I will still write for you my loves. Sorry if it is a bit slow x Good luck to everyone doing exams :)   Here is chapter 15

1 month later

Jade’s POV

I’ve been in a rehab hospital for a month now. I never wanted to come. I was finally skinny. Why should I put weight on?

It’s all Zayn’s fault. He had to go to Paris for part of his writing course. So with Mum and Dad away all the time I was sent here. To be honest it’s not helping. Everyone knows I’m sick and Georgia won’t even talk to me! Alice was always right. I’m worthless

“Hello Jade” My councillor said, her fake voice annoying me.

“Hi” I replied, unemotionally.

“We have a letter for you” She said, handing me a pink envelope. I snatched it from her and tore it open.

To my darling Jade,

I know it’s been a month but I was advised to give you space.

It’s literally killed me, not knowing how you are.

I’ve missed you so much my princess.

In the envelope is a ticket to Paris. You are allowed to come if you are getting better.

It would mean the world to me if I could see you again.

I hate leaving you, knowing you’re angry at me for going.

Forgive me; I only want the best for you.

I care Jade. I always will. You’re different. I need you.

-          Zayn xx

Tears fell from my eyes as I took the ticket out.

“Can I go?” I asked, afraid I wasn’t well enough.

“The ticket is for next Monday night” My councillor, Elise, said.

“That’s 5 days” I said.

“You have until then to understand how important it is for you to eat properly”

I left Elise’s office determined to make a change.

Now I'm a warrior

Now I've got thicker skin

I'm a warrior

I'm stronger than I’ve ever been

And my armour, is made of steel, you can’t get in

I'm a warrior

And you can never hurt me again

Demi Lovato’s song played in my head. My anthem. I would do this for Zayn. I would get better. I will fight. Fuck the haters. Fuck my enemy Alice and my best friends Georgia and Britt. I can do this.

Zayn’s POV

I knew Jade got her letter today. I only could pray she was getting better. I tried to enjoy Paris but I couldn’t. I needed her here.

I was writing and studying hard, to be an English teacher. It was my future. But Jade is my future too. I need to know she is safe and happy.

Emotions still run wild in my body. I’ve never been an emotionally expressive person. I’m not used to caring so deeply, hurting so badly. 

The mixture of feelings in my system confuses me. How can one girl change my world? Jade defiantly changed me. Can she fix me? I’m positive she can. If only I can save her first.

To save her is like saving myself. We are one.

It was that moment I knew we had both already changed, not enough, but the process was beginning.

Is this love? To need and depend on another human being for a reason to live...

God I hope Jade can come.

A/N Please vote and share :) love you all so much. I want you all to stay strong. I’m writing this type of story to show hope to everyone. You can make it through. Enjoy the rollercoaster that is life x

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